The Return of the Son of Nothing

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Tales of the 4th Corpo War are sparse, as only the elderly and the dead know what truly happened during that time, and how it happened.

Like the 1st and 2nd Corpo Wars, the 4th Corporate War began when rival megacorps used their finances and military muscle to fight over buying out a company and its resources. In early 2021, IHAG, a megacorp which specialized in underwater shipping and tech, went bankrupt, which lead to two rival aquacorps, CINO and OTEC, squaring off for a hostile takeover of IHAG's remaining assets. At first, both corporations engaged in the typical opening rounds of corporate battle; stock manipulations and economic warfare, but as the conflict grew out of hand, it was only a matter of time before true fighting broke out.

Where was Tepes Industries? Right in the middle of it.

We start in Romania where Castlevania stood, lit up like a Christmas tree to its people. A beacon to all of Europe.

It was a time of economic and social peace for Europe when the 4th Corpo War happened. For a time, Tepes Industries was neutral. Seeing no point in joining either side of the war. That was... Until the Purge happened.

Tepes Industries' enforcers, The Belmont Clan, which has stood by the family since the Vampiric Civil War, were all wiped out. Many say it was Arasaka themselves that killed them, others say it was Adam Smasher that killed them all.

What was known though, was that their deaths fueled Dracula to join Militech and OTEC.

Many historians and even veterans when asked would tell you the same thing when asked how Tepes Industries forces fought. They fought as if they were gunning for the head of Arasaka, and they were bringing Hell with them.

Of course Tepes Industries distinguished themselves during the war. With Dracula as not only a savvy businessman, but a true military leader on the battlefield which led many to question if he had prior military experience before becoming a businessman.

His wife spearheaded the relief and humanitarian aid to not only refugees, but also those affected by the conflict, as for their son, the Prince. Adrian was dub the 'Spymaster' of the family as he lead successful counter intelligence operations against their foes and even assassination operations of many key members of Arasaka.

Speaking of Dracula, he was seen in his office, writing some paperwork with a glass of blood nearby, and the TV in his office playing something he had no care for. He had learned of a technique to make blood and wine mix together, making it a drink for both human and vampire to enjoy.

He took a sip of his blood wine when the TV switched to a different channel and showed the news.

"Breaking News, earlier this evening, an attack on Arasaka Tower in Night City resulted in a nuclear bombing of the tower, in an effort to destroy the company. The perpetrators appeared to be the controversial rocker boy Johnny Silverhand, along with several unknown associates. It had been announced that Silverhand died in the explosion and while there are multiple casualties, none of the main Arasaka executives, including the owner, Saburo Arasaka were harmed." The newscaster spoke.

His office door burst open as Adrian was seen in his 'uniform.' With the clan symbol plastered proudly on his shoulder. "Father! The war! It's over! Those crazy Americans did it!"

Dracula stood up from his chair, looking at the TV, "Is it truly over... After two years... A bomb on their tower destroys their efforts."

Adrian chuckled, "I guess the Americans wanted to give the Japanese a reminder of who they were fooling with. It's almost ironic from a historian point of view." He sighed as he looked at his father. "What shall we do now?"

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