Demons of the Past

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V walked out of the diner and watched as a black car with red trims drove away. He almost felt sorry for Takemura but he drove the thought away as he looked into his contacts that was in his brain

He saw Evelyn Parker and immediately called her. Only for the automatic voice to say, "We're sorry, but the person you are attempting to reach does not have an available number."

V mumbled, "Fuck..." He immediately thought, 'She must've gotten picked up by Arasaka...' He then saw Judy's contact and immediately clicked on hers.

The phone rang for a few seconds then Judy picked up with her face in view.

Judy looked at V in surprise as she asked, "V? Is that you? I almost thought you were dead."

"Judy, oh thank Christ. I was worried you might've been grabbed too. Listen, is Evelyn with you?" V asked in relief.

Judy looked a bit shocked as she said, "No she isn't, I've been trying to get a hold of her but I haven't gotten any answer. Look, I have to get back to work. Come by my apartment in a couple days once I have something thought up." She said in concern.

V nodded. "I'll be there. Just call me when you're ready."

She nodded back, "Yeah I will, just make sure you're not followed."

V nodded once more before he hung up on Judy and walked towards his motorcycle. Once he got on and rode off, he didn't notice his tail as Blake was seen dressed in a full black bike suit with a yellow and black helmet with cat ears and blacked out visor down. "V's on the move, keeping my distance." She reported to someone on the other end of her call.


"Good, give us an hourly report." Lenore said before turning around to look at the window which showed Evelyn Parker sitting down with an agent.

"Miss Parker, I understand you were close to Yorinobu Arasaka. So it's safe to assume you've heard more than a few closely guarded secrets." The agent said.

Evelyn stayed silent as she looked around at the interrogation room, which caused Adrian, who was standing next to Lenore, to give a low growl,  "I hate it when they give the silent treatment… worse that she is a woman… damn my gentlemanly honor."

Lenore rolled her eyes, "With all due respect, Your Grace, but if you can't get information out of a sex doll, then how can you continue to be an Intelligence Company?"

Adrian stayed silent as the door to the viewing room opened as a deep voice was heard, "Have you gotten anything out of her yet?" Asked Dracula who walked in with his suit coat opened showing his crimson under shirt.

Adrian looked at his father and answered, "No Father. She's using her 'right' to remain silent."

Dracula watched as the agent in the room said, "Listen, we're more than happy to give you full protection from Arasaka if you cooperate with us."

The King then said, "Let's see how long her right to remain silent holds." He walked towards the door when he looked at Adrian, "As for you, Son. Deal with Takemura."

He opened the door before walking out towards the interrogation room with Adrian going to a different room.

Evelyn Parker was many things, but a snitch wasn't one of them, so she kept silent until these creeps released her since that was what badges do. However, when the door opened to the room and the guy across from her got to attention, she got curious and looked at the door, which caused a wave of fear to wash over her as she stared up at the most feared and most respected man in all of Europe and even New America.

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