My love my priority

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Next morning the doctor did a check up and assured aryan that everything is normal. She also began explaining about Braxton hicks to the couple, she mentioned that they are practice contractions or practice labor pains and Imlie should start experiencing them In another week. She explained them about the care to be taken during those practice labor pains, how to tell them apart from real labor pains and also started Imlie on a new medication.

As the doctor predicted, Imlie began to get the practice contractions next week. The practice contractions came at least twice a day and Aryan made it a point to work from home so he could spend maximum time with Imlie and support her through her pains.

One time, Imlie began cramping during Aryan's meeting with some big investors , Imlie realized that Aryan would hang up his important work call so she slowly walked out of the room and asked Chini to call Arpita didi. Arpita di took one look at Imlie and realized what she was going through, she tried bringing Imlie to her room but her cramping worsened and Imlie could barely walk.

Aryan eventually heard the commotion and ended his call early as he noticed Imlie was not in the room. As he went outside he noticed Imlie on the floor in pain.Aryan quickly carried Imlie to the bed and coached her through her pains. After a while Imlie started to feel better and Aryan expressed his frustration at her walking out of the room in her condition. He held her hands and told her that she and the babies are his entire world and nothing else is above them - not even his business.

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