Baby time jaeefire

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The next week flew by and this was the evening of Chinis school performance, she was planning on doing a dance Imlie had taught her long ago. Imlie was getting dressed to leave with Aryan for the show , when she suddenly felt sharp cramps. Aryan came out with two shirts and asked Imlie to pick one when he noticed Imlie in pain.

Aryan quickly helped Imlie move to the bed and held her hand as she continued to feel pains. Aryan began coaching her to take deep breaths as the doctor had explained. Imlie followed Aryans advice but suddenly started to get sharper pains and began to pant heavily. Imlie then asked Aryan to help her stand and then began to walk in the room, walking helped alleviate some discomfort and Aryan quickly joined her as she was talking small steps through her pains.

Imlie's practice contractions stopped after 20 min but it felt like an hour to Aryan. Imlie signaled Aryan to move her to the bed and collapsed on the bed tiered. Imlie declared that she won't be able to see chiniis performance and that he should go without her. Aryan felt bad leaving Imlie alone but obliged to her request.

Imlie felt fast asleep and woke up after Aryan returned home later in the night. Aryan made sure Imlie takes her new medication and rest again as she still looked very exhausted. That night at about 2am Imlie began experiencing cramping again and Aryan helped her through them the best he could. Imlie suddenly began to complain of back pain and began to cry . Imlie finally fell asleep in an hour but Aryan stayed awake the rest of the night, in case she needed something.

Next morning Imlie woke up with cramps and started to cry as she felt the waves of pain hit her. After the contractions passed , Imlie freshened up and began to walk towards the bed with Aryan helping her every step of the way. Imlie suddenly stopped and clasped her belly and hunched over. She felt tremendous pain and pressure in her belly and felt as though her babies  were in trouble. Aryan understood from Imlie's expressions that something had gone wrong. Imlie then asked Aryan to take her to the hospital as she felt the babies were coming.

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