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Eleven: The Hunt

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It was nothing more than an abandoned black leather glove. Gavriel used a stick to bring it up to his nose, then held it out to Thomas. Thomas scrunched his nose and frowned.

"Maybe a few hours?" Gavriel said.

Thomas nodded, scratching at his shoulder. "Three at most."

Bless bear shifters and their useful noses.

"Start the call tree," Gavriel told Ronan over his shoulder. "I want everyone locked down and patrols going out immediately. Tell everyone to report anything suspicious."

Ronan nodded and pulled out his phone. They'd gone into a "soft lockdown" the moment Ronan reported the scent. Now his people from around the territory would all go into a formal lockdown, which meant the shifters closest to the inner home would head there immediately. Those who lived outside the inner home would return to their aeries and assorted home bases until the danger passed.

Gavriel looked at the glove. It was hardly more than anything special. But when he'd first arrived at the spot Ronan and Jake flagged, his stomach turned to stone.

He'd seen this glove before. It was standard issue at the wielder academies.

He did his own research as much as possible to keep up with the world outside the territory. And these were the moments when he was very glad he did.

He peered around the area, noting the mossy rocks, thin trees, and the brown and green brush. Leaves washed the area, some a deep brown and orange from last year, others fresh green that could not hold on during the occasional swift wind and rain storms.

Nothing appeared out of place. The only smells of the area were dim scent tracks from his shifters and the glove hanging off the end of the small branch he held in front of him.

His leopard stilled. Sensing a difference in the air.

On alert now, he said, "Thank you for confirming for us, Thomas. You may go back to the inner home now if you need."

Although protective, bear shifters were not aggressive. Though he would always offer any of his people a spot on his inner team, he had never had a bear shifter as a lieutenant. Like most bear shifters, Thomas was sensitive to a lot of things, physically and situationally. Already Gavriel noted the way Thomas kept rubbing his hands on his pants.

Bear shifters were fierce and deadly when the reason was great, but it took them a lot to get there. Other than in their youth, Gavriel had not seen Thomas in a foul mood. Even in moments where his own anger was raging like a well-stoked fire. Thomas kept a cool head about him.

Because that was bear shifters. They were part of the rock that built the foundation of their territory.

If there was something nefarious happening here, he wanted to keep Thomas with the younglings, where he would be needed most. The younglings would need a cool-headed bear shifter to keep them calm in times of great stress, but still ready to defend them, if it was warranted.

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