Chapter 6

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John: *closes the door in Jacob's face* *he turns around and the girls are gone* Those bitches are lucky. *goes to his room*

-Outside in April's backyard-

Jacob: What happened? Are you okay?

April: Yeah, I'm fine. I fell down the stairs.

Jacob: How?

April: I'm clumsy.

Callie: Can we go somewhere?

April: Like where?

Callie: That hangout spot Venus has. Hey, I'm Callie by the way. April's younger sister.

Jacob: Hi. I'm Jacob.

Callie: Are you going on that abroad trip with April?

Jacob: Yeah... I am.

April: I texted Venus and she said we can go whenever we want.

Callie: Yay!

April: She also said she's gonna meet us there 'cause she's bored.

Callie: Even better. Can you take us?

Jacob: Huh?

Callie: To Venus' place? April can't drive and I'm only 13.

Jacob: Um... sure?

-At Venus' place-

Jacob: This cabin is in the middle of nowhere.

Callie: Still got service though. *takes a selfie*

April: *Limping to the door*

Jacob: *helps her walk*

April: Thank you. God I feel so pathetic.

Jacob: What? You're still healing from surgery. Needing help after that isn't pathetic.

April: I shouldn't've had surgery in the first place. I should've just left those guys alone.

Jacob: Well the school started a shrine of you in the middle of the commons area.

April: *chuckles* What?

Jacob: *walks through the door with April* Yeah, they started one of those shrine things like you were dead.

Venus: Like Hannah Baker from 13 reasons why.

April: *laughs* That's kind of insulting. I'm still alive. And it's not even that serious.

Callie: Girl, you had internal bleeding and could've died.

April: But I didn't though.

Venus: And I'm glad you didn't. Hi Jacob.

Jacob: *lowering April on the couch* Hi...

Venus: Venus.

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