Prank War in the Bunker

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CHARACTERS: Lillian Winchester*, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, and Jack

FANDOM: Supernatural

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The first prank wasn't even a prank.

Lillian had placed a can of worms with a fake food label for Sam to find, but instead Dean found it when he was rummaging through the cabinets to make himself mac and cheese with chili.

The war that was declared had been going for the past week and a half, and it was getting more and more elaborate and dangerous than stupid and harmless. The Winchester siblings were the only ones in this. Cas had gotten into the crossfire many times since he lived there with his boyfriend and future in-laws (Lillian "wedded" them while they were stuck in Purgatory so she already sees them as husbands. Dean denies that happened but still calls Cas pet names and kisses him when he thinks no one isn't looking) while her nephew, Jack, would help any of them set up their elaborate plans. He wasn't exactly a threat to the Winchesters' Prank War, but he liked helping in the chaos. Most of the time, he found himself helping Lillian more.

For one of his pranks, Dean had hidden fake roaches and spiders in Lillian's room when she was gone on a hunting trip. When she came back and went to her room to shower and sleep, her screams echoed the bunker and she almost slept on the table in the library that night. Dean earned a lecture from Cas and Jack had to coax her off the table and offered his room to her. Lillian ended up having a mini sleepover with him, but she also used this opportunity to think of more ideas.

Sam's pranks were the ones everyone had to look out for, and that included Cas. His pranks had multiple stages of attack and all of them ended in flour, itching powder, or ice cold water. Lillian ended up in itching power twice and had severe allergic reactions to it. She ended up needing to go to the hospital for medication and to get it out of her eyes. After this, itching powder was banned from the war, and Lillian was momentarily out of the game.

While their Lillian recovered, the brothers continued in their pranks. Unfortunately, Cas got caught in the too war and it went downhill from there.

The first prank Cas pulled was silently following the boys around the bunker and making it obviously he was there, but he would disappear when Sam or Dean would look behind them. Castiel never admitted to doing this, but rather blamed imagination. Once Lillian got better, she and Cas became a team with Jack as their honorary member.

Sam and Dean teamed together and soon enough, chaos ensued on the bunker.

Lillian and Sam used witchcraft against one another.

Dean and Cas used teasing and bans on different affections.

Eventually, Jack brought Mary into this when the pranking turned south quickly. Lillian was the first to be scolded, then Dean, Sam, and Cas. Jack was excused since he was the one to stop the chaos. It was stopped for a couple weeks, the Winchester siblings and Cas exchanging challenging glances to one another at meal times or passing by one another.

But, as always, the Winchesters never listen and the pranks were back on.

Only this time....

Lillian's prank of flour and water brought Mary Winchester into the mix, and how they wished they quit the first time their mother and aunt said to.

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