01- Good day

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-At home-


It was a rainy day, a rainy Monday. However I should be face to my interview at TN software company today. I was lazy to wakeup so I laid on my bed until my mother shouted at me.

"Sky, Sky???....Are you still sleeping. Wake up, look at the time. It's almost 8.20am. Your interview at 9.00am. Wake up you stubborn little brat" Okay, here we go. I heard my mother's voice so I got off from my bed. Who wants to get out from the house with this type of weather? My career life about to start but weather doesn't contribute with me. At least sky should be respect me, I have his name.

When I finished dressing up, came to the downstairs for the breakfast but I know I have no time to get a prefect breakfast. So I picked some of sandwiches and left the house. Everyone so busied with their own way to workplaces. My life also going to be like them after I faced for the interview. That TN software company was a great company which has a good and pleasant working environment and I love it lot because of the place where it is situated in.

"Good morning Sir, how can I help you?" When I entered to the company, a good looking receptionist asked from me.

"Good morning, well I came for an interview. Where should I head over to it?" I replied to her.

"Oh you must be Mr. Sky right? new intern?" she said.

"Yes I am..." I replied.

"Okay, follow me. I will send you off to the interview room" when she finished her lines, I nodded my head and followed her.

We came to the 2nd floor and she led me to a room. I just followed her and entered to the room. After she told to the interview board that I came for the interview, she left me with the interviewers. There were 3 interviewers, and one of them is a lady. I'm pretty sure that I faced it as much as best way, because they accept me as their one of interns.

They told me to came for the work by tomorrow so I was about to leave the office building. I left the interview room and got in to the elevator. I saw someone also standing inside the elevator in my eye corner but I didn't try to face for him. I felt so small with him because he got damn big body and taller than me. After a second both of us arrived ground floor. I just waited until he got off but he seemed to be waiting too.

"Oh that mean, I should get off first" I thought like that and moved my body forward to get off. But both of us bumped each other. After that I realized that maybe he also thought same way like me.

"I'm sorry, you go first" I told to him while looking at him. Oh my god. Who is he? What a damn handsome face and perfect body. He really got some of vibe that a guy who born with silver spoon and get marry to a lady who comes from prestigious family background.

When he heard my voice, turned his head to me looked at me. "Ah, okay....." He said but he didn't moved his body out from the elevator. He just looked at me, as a tiger looking at his prey. After that he smirked and disappeared from my eye sight.

"What the fuck was that? Do I look like alien or something? Why he paid me a weird glance?" I mumbled and got off from the elevator. I saw that everyone paying respect to him when he passed them. I came to the that previous receptionist who led me to the interview room.

"Excuse me, who is he?" I asked.

"Oh, you just don't know because you are new to here. I will tell about him. He is Mr. Prapai. Who is the owner's son of this company. He is the present CEO" I felt dizzy after hearing those words. What? CEO? Did I just met company CEO in the elevator? What a day. I should hurry to home otherwise I will fell off in here. I came outside of the building and headed to the main gate. A black audi car passed me and stopped.

"May I know your profession in here?" He asked from me. I mean the CEO of my new company. Oh god how I tell to him that I'm just a mere intern at his Father's company.

"Sir, I came for a interview today for the intern vacancy" I said.

"Mmmm, good. So that mean tomorrow onwards I will get to see you every working day noh?" he asked.

What the hell is this? Is he flirting with me? Why is he smiling like a kid, who saw a new toy at the toy shop? I nodded my head and smiled to him. What else to do?

"Okay have a good day and I looking forward to see you in here. Let's meet" he drove off his car after telling that. A psycho. In which world a CEO wants to see his one of Interns at working hours. I came to the home and told to my mother about my day. She was happy and Went to prepare some of sweets. I just laid on my bed and started to think about my tomorrow.

(I know that in original novel Sky's mother s aborad and lives with his father. But in my fanfiction I thought to give him whole family, including his mother character too.)

Today was a good day but I can't assured that what will happen tomorrow because of that man. If he tried to get along with me? How should I react? Seemed like he also in my age but definitely two or three years older than me. I hope all will turnout in a good way. Let's see.

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