Runaway Ranboo (Dadnoblade)

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Ranboo: half Enderman Half [REDACTED] hybrid, age: 4 years old
Height: 4'2" he doesn't have memory problems.
Technoblade: piglin hybrid, age: 27, height: 6'5" he doesn't have the voices just the consciousness voice rarely pops up.

CW: Abandonment, trauma, PTSD?, abuse, degrading of a child, mentions of abortions, running away,


3rd POV, with Ranboo

Ranboo's mother, Renee, wasn't the best mother, she was an only child, and only 17 she never wanted a child especially since she was so young, to her she still had so much to do in life she wanted to party, date, go clubbing, get married to the right rich guy, not get her V-Card taken from her at a party when she was drunk, her own mother left her to fend for herself and this child, the disappointment had shown on her once loving and understanding mother and father left her a small bit of money and helped her get a job to fend alone.

That was just when Renee was 3 months pregnant with her child, Renee was stuck with the accident of a child she had just given birth to. She was not allowed to get an abortion because she was too young and it was illegal where she lived.

Renee now 21 was still extremely poor for the fact she was supposed to fend for 2 people but she only kept the baby she hadn't even given a name to, alive. She never took care of a child before and even if she did she believed this child ruined her life. (Even if it was hers for getting underaged drunk.)

Renee couldn't get a boyfriend because she couldn't get rid of the pregnancy fat, she dropped put of school and couldn't pay for her phone anymore so she lost all her contacts for her school friends.

Renee was known as the popular girl but when she got pregnant her status quo dropped below the nobodies. She continued to blame the small child for everything.

After several years of abuse to the small hybrid baby he learned to walk and although it was clumsily he still figured it out. The small baby was continually abused by the mother he wasn't able to understand many things and never talked, he could only eat when his mother was out getting alcohol and when he was given the scraps to eat. It was normal to the small child. That was until he looked out a window once and saw a small family walking together hand in hand smiling and laughing. A baby in a stroller and a slightly bigger child skipping ahead of her mother, father, and sibling. The small baby had never been outside before other than the time he was chained in the backyard like a dog that was bad and wanted to have what other families had.
That would be his plan. He thought.

It was the small toddlers fourth birthday and he had finally worked up the courage to escape the place he called home for 4 years there was a low chance he'd get away unscathed but it's better than the treatment he got there he thought.

Under the dark blanket night had covered their town it was cold but better than the place he's 'lived'.

He grabbed a small plastic bag for his few clothes, diapers, some food, water, a small pillow and his only piece of entertainment. He changed into the warmest clothes he had his little shoes and a blanket over-top his head, and crept out the small apartment. He carefully shut the door and once he was done he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

After getting used to the dark of the am night or morning he ran for the first time in a long time.

The small 4 year old had fallen several times but he couldn't make a noise of pain, 1 because the pain he felt when falling was better than his mother, and 2 he didn't want to get caught even if he had been running for hours now he was seemingly far enough away the apartment, the small child's thoughts were finally happy. 'I'm free...!' He thought to himself. He could find a family that he's read with small amount he could read, he could find a family that he's seen other kids his age have and be happy for once.

Ranboo family oneshots (ft. Dadnoblade, and Dadza)Where stories live. Discover now