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Alya sat nervously on the opposite side of the Parisian reporter. Nadja Chamack had long since passed down the role so she had no idea how this person would act.

"We are live on Tvi with Alya Cesaire!" they announced, "She has gained quite a bit of a reputation recently. Many of you may remember she worked for Parisian Abroad and wrote the retracted story of Adrien Agreste and Marinette Wayne's supposed love affair. Today, she is here to talk about her new blog and what led to her creating it."

Alya smiled nervously at the camera and waved.

"Um, I pretty much stated in my blog what led up to all of this. I believed in the wrong person and that person was Layla Rossi. She was a new student, in college, and quickly wowed us with stories of all these amazing things she did. I lost touch with a lot of classmates over the years. I can't say she was the reason or not. I know a few people know she was liar and I don't blame them in the slightest. I was-am, I am stubborn." Alya began.

"You posted a link with a list of lies she told in school." they declared, "Can you elaborate on those?"

"Yes. Of course." Alya answered, "Lila, um, Layla missed a lot of school. She was always saying how she was going on trips with her mother, an ambassador. She would even zoom call the teacher to tell us about her 'trips'."

"And you are sure she wasn't on these trips?" they asked.

"I didn't see it then, but she would never leave the hotel room." Alya explained, "Someone brought it up that every hotel room looked the same. She began to tear up and said that her mother's company only used the same hotel brand so all rooms should look the same. We believed her. Later, they pointed out how Lila never showed us pictures of her on any of these trips. She would go to exotic places: the Kingdom of Achu, Hawaii, the Amazon rainforest. I wish I had listened more when they said that there was no proof she was doing these things."

"Was that all there was too it?" they inquired, "No proof?"

"No." she replied, "Layla claimed to be doing these 'inspirational' acts, like feeding the homeless, building homes in Africa, helping Prince Ali with an environmental project, making clothes by hand for orphaned children and a lot more. If you're curious, you can look at the blog; most of these I did disprove. For one, the Prince Ali of Achu doesn't do environmental projects. He has charities for pediatric hospitals. Many of us donated money to the 'environmental project'. Anytime we asked her to help with something she claimed to have done, she would have an excuse. She also told us she had all these disabilities: tinnitus, arthritis, weak ankles, fractured lymph nodes, and so on. All of which sounds really stupid to say outloud, especially if she was out building homes. In fact, we've never met her parents so there's no guarantee she even was an ambassador's daughter."

"That does sound pretty....hard to believe." the reporter declared.

Alya nodded, "We were fourteen and thought we all had this amazing friend who did all these amazing things! At twenty-two, it doesn't sound plausible. There's so many mistakes, so many inconsistencies. They saw right through her. They were smarter than all of us."

"Alya, I know we asked you here to talk about you're blog." the reporter began, "We also asked some other people to talk about their experiences with Layla Rossi."

Alya looked off to the side to see who would be walking out.

'Is it Nino? It could be anyone from Bustier's class.'

Alya quickly turned when she heard a noise and saw the giant screen was trying to connect to a video.

'Did they not want to be here in person? How horrible did Lila treat this person that they're possibly going to disguise their identity?'

Alya froze in her seat. She never expected it would be them.

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