Last love year ❤️

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Pre- Algebra for some the worse class for me the best class, I loved the idea of solving equations that only had one correct answer.

Oh god, math was so simple, I sighed 

No need to worry about the other choices, why couldn't everything be like math so simple.

It was my first year taking Pre-Algebra, many thought it was hard, but I loved it. So much that made my own study group to help my friends with the math homework.

But there's always a twist.

Ff course, can they just shut up, I told myself because I might sound like I have lots of confidence, but I save it all to myself, I could never tell them actually to shut up

These boys are so dumb and childish, can they just get the hint their annoying. I'll introduce you to the "boys".

The leader Jose, he may look serious but don't let that fool you, he's a dumbass... Next

Noah, his hair is slightly longer on one side and it bothers me so much, we went to elementary together but now he doesn't even look at me.

Ethan, every time we make eye contact it feels like he's sucking up my soul.

Jake, he thinks he's funny but he's just straight up stupid... Oh, I forgot one

Leah, she thinks that's she's part of the boys, and honestly she's like really pretty.

Now that you know the boys you may realize that it's best to stay way from them as all they do is cause trouble.  My friend Jenna thinks I pay attention to things that aren't even about me and that I should chill down, but they get on my fucking nerves. 

It was June 4, we were almost out of school so we did nothing in school but of course I was mad because we still had to go to summer school, I wanted to scream and shout and tell the principal  that summer school was shit idea, but...

Just a few minutes later I almost choke while trying to say Uno faster then Jenna so she would have to get two more cards, I start coughing as the loud class gets quite. Everyone starts looking at me like I was an alien.

"Corona virus" says a random kid.

My face goes red as I try not to get embarrassed, and just think about how Jenna had to get two extra cards.

Omg, first chapter of a new book, I will not continue my previous book but maybe go back to it one day.   Thank you so so so so much, hope you have a wonderful rest of your day :D

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