Not a berry happy week

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Jenna's party was yesterday and of course I brought her a present it was the friendly thing to do. Jenna may be a goofball, but she always understands what you tell her, so if you didn't show up  she would understand and not care at all. But that was not the case with my former friend Fernanda.

They had told me that Jenna was calling her out for not coming to her party, which I did not believe but I decided to let her explain.

Jenna had gone on a vacation with her family to Cuba and she had bought us something.

Fernanda said that she called her out and that she was basically  saying  that she was ungrateful and other random ass shit. 

They still remand as friends but when Jenna was asked a question about Fernanda and she got it wrong Fernanda was very offended. I told Fernanda to apologize and she did, but it didn't last they started fighting and they stopped being friends.

I of course wanted everything to be back to normal, but they didn't want to.

Then during Science Fernanda screamed at Jenna, then a memory flashed before my eyes.

It was my parents arguing, then my dad slapped my mom and the beating didn't stop for another 30 minutes... My brother and I could do nothing but cry. 

What I hated most about my father was that he hit us then he would try to be funny like he though he ate.

Then one day my father promised to never hit us, but it was all a lie. Mom and him had my baby sister, but then my mom grew tired and asked for a divorce, that was the last time I saw my dad, now my sister was three. It had been 3 years. 

Jenna of course did not know about this she only know the tip of the iceberg, I have never told anyone. 

I don't know why but I stayed with Fernanda because I felt like she would only do the worse so I was like the circus guy calming down the lion. The following weeks flow by and before I know it school was starting.  

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