Mr. Marchi

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Monday morning my body became heavy begging me not to get up, but I had to.

Last year I hadn't gone to school the first week but now it was my time. I forcefully grab my uniform from my dresser. A white collared-shirt and a dark blue skirt that was about knee high. 

I rummaged through my dresser trying to find my lucky tights.

Black tights with white flower outlines in the bottom.

I ask my brother Steven if he's since them but of course he says no

He never sees anything, I yell at my mom

"Have you seen my lucky tights" I scream

"No" she screams back.

7:30 I didn't have my tights on and I still needed to eat breakfast.

I sigh as I pull a regular pair of tights.

"So boring" I say to myself. 

I quickly get a bowl and pour my cereal, I see my brother stuffing his mouth as he grabs his stuff and heads out. I manage to finish quickly, grab my stuff and run outside quickly. 

I get into the car and quickly put my seatbelt on

"First day and you're going to be late"my mom says.

"It's always Emily"my brother says from the front seat.

I complain as usual about how my older brother gets to sit in the front and I have to sit in the backseat with my annoying baby sister.

"Mom, can't I sit there", I say protesting

"I'm older" is the reply I get from my brother.

"Only by four years" I continue protesting.

When we get to school, my brother takes me to my first class.

English with Mr. Marchi, according to my brother he was as slow as a turtle but as loud and cruel as a siren. Mister nice brother didn't last.

I notice my brother walk back to his friends, I stayed there staring at the door, while I feel a sudden tap on my shoulder.

"Jenna" I yell.

We hear the door open and standing in the doorframe was a tall and old figure. As my brother had warned me, he already had an assigned seat for us, so I I couldn't even sit next to Jenna. 

Next, was the thing I hated most about school, introductions, luckily it was a table introduction between you and your partner. 

(No typo that's the last name) "Emily Gondolez" I say with a smile on my face. I could tell she was nervous, so I tried to be extra nice.

" Angie Hernandez" she says smiling.

Wait, I remember her, I though she didn't like me so I never approached her. We actually had a conversation and she also though I didn't like, we both laugh at how dumb we had been. We look at each other's schedules, we only had four classes together. 

"What's your second period?" I ask her.

"History, Ms. Mathews, you?" she responds 


" Third is Drama, Mathews again" she says

"Same" I say again 

"How about fourth?"

"Pre- Algebra, you" she says.

"Aww, P.E" I say


"Leadership" Angie says.

"Pre-Algebra" I say.

We had science together and that was it. She had Band, seventh and P.E last. I had Chinese, seventh and Leadership. As soon as I had seen Chinese on my paper, I wanted to change it, but the counselor scares me so I probably won't.

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