Part 3: Realization

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"And done"
What seems like a really long day is about to end. Well, almost. Just like that you take your stuff. Shoving your emotional baggage into that little Louis Vuitton bag of yours because the way you put your phone in it says it all. It has been draining. So you would appreciate no human interaction onwards.
" How long will it take me to recharge? 6 years? 10? 2 centuries? Ummm I have like 9 hours. Gather your shit Y/N!" Striding towards the heavenly exit, you hear a familiar voice.
... " Yooo guess what?"
Y/N: " We are going to have 365 day off from work? The Ninja turtles are real? World is ending?"
Leo: " No, no and unfortunately, no. Kinda weird to see you hoping for days off since you're all about work"
Y/N: " Catch me a break"
Leo: " Good for you then because..." He's excited which gets you excited. Plus his giggles are contagious. Suspense is creeping even though you wanted nothing more than a good night's sleep.
Y/N: " Say it already"
You playfully hit him.
Leo is all jumpy and hyped. You both became close because of your common love for gaming, specifically modern style arcades. Both looked forward to try this arcade out but it slipped out of your mind because there are more important things that occupied you.
Y/N: " What?! Was it today? I don't recall my memory for being this trashy"
Leo: " At least not for this, you really forgot? What's the sudden change?"
Y/N: " You'll be the second one to know after I find out"
He elbows you, smiling cheekily.
Leo: " What do you say? We go there and get your mind off"
Y/N: " What a generous offer"
Everyone has their serotonin boosters and for Y/N it has always been gaming. Giving up your sanity to play games? Hell yes but hell no. You might've have wanted that more than anything and everything. In all righteousness, you're spirits are so low that you are done for the day. No matter how giggly, cute he is. You're just as done with him. With your hobbies, your life, with everything.
Y/N: " I'd love to but I can't"
Leo: " Why not? It's gonna be lit. Come on Y/N!"
Y/N: " Nah"
It fills the half of him with wonder and the other half disappointed. You walk away bidding him an assuring farewell that you'd definitely go with him some other time. You walk into the parking lot and there stands a tall, lean frame slightly tilted on your car. Jeff, once again. What is he doing here? A little recalling is enough to remember what contained in their last interaction but it doesn't really diminishes the confusion.
Y/N: " Oh... how long have you been waiting for?"
Jeff: " Not that long, I was discussing some stuff with director"
He stops and continues
" How have you been?"
Inquiring with genuine curiosity that strangely shows a tinge of concern in his eyes.
Y/N: " My day has been as good as a pile of shit ( why the hell did I just say that? We've barely talked out of work. What in the actual-)" you blurted out. Nights of those who are physically exhausted and mentally psychotic get possessed of a tongue so brutal, so candid, so beautiful. The unexpected nature of your answer makes him a little surprised but ultimately, well received. He smiles a little and resumes
"Shall we go now?"
Y/N's pov " We? What does that supposed mean? He has his own car, why would he go with me? To where? What does he plan on doing? What do I mean by what does he plan on doing? Why is it making me thrilled? I have no problem in taking him. As if you just didn't rejected your friend 5 minutes ago...did Jeff indirectly meant that we'd hang out when he told me to let's get over with today"
He's busy attempting to read the countenance you carry while silence still persevered.
Y/N: " Your car broke?"
You said like that must be the answer to the things you previously were contemplating, the only probable.
Jeff: "No, I asked my friend to take it back"
Y/N: " Because they needed it?"
Jeff: " Because I needed it"
Still puzzled you are, you go along with it. You want to.
Y/N: " Fine, you drive then"
Keys thrown to his direction, he promptly catches.
Y/N: " Good reflexes dude"
He smiles and gets in the driver's seat. A few minutes go by in stillness of sound from both parties. Thick ice of formality requires time to warm itself. Partially thanks to the overthinking you do. You're embarrassed about what has happened today. Painful rewind of the occasion could be easily apparent in your manners to those who know you well. He redirects the energy by saying:
"You don't have to"
It gets you shocked like a being a  criminal caught red handed and for what?
Y/N: " Are you a mind reader?"
Jeff: "Maybe"
He shrugs.
Y/N: "Hey! that's violation of privacy"
You unknowingly smile.
Jeff: " Are you always this honest?"
Y/N: " Nope, I lie occasionally "
Jeff: " Like..."
Y/N: " Like you look good today (you do)"
Jeff: "Ouch"
Y/N: " I'm much worse than this"
Jeff: " Oh I bet you are"
Y/N: " What does that supposed to mean?"
Jeff: " Common beliefs"
You both keep on rambling about the most random subjects which lets out the idea of his playful nature and the best part of it all, his gummy smile, worth adoring. Going through each others favourite songs, fun facts, hobbies until your stomach makes a noise. It was loud enough to be heard, he side eyed you and goes
" You need food in your system"
Y/N: " True"
Jeff: " I know a good spot. Gonna get some for you. Do you crave anything?"
He parks parallel across a small pub.
Y/N: " It's fine I'll get it myself" You start to unbuckle your seatbelt
Jeff: "No"
He instinctually grabs your wrist. His hand stays like that for a while. Your eyes get locked with his. Surely you weren't the only one feeling it. He seems just as flustered or even more. Jeff quickly gets out of the car and you're left there alone, with the warmth of his hands imprinted on your skin and his scent all looming upon your mind. You try to snap out of it. It took a slap or two on your head to get back to normal functioning just like an old TV.
Y/N: "Dammit! whatever I am up to, it's too much"
Your clenched fists harshly aiming the dashboard.
Y/N: " Why do I feel this for him now? Ughhhh"
When your heartbeat feels a little normal, you question that what did he meant earlier in the parking lot. Some time passes, he gets back.
Y/N: " I was about to die out of hunger, what is it?"
Jeff: " You didn't tell something in specific so whatever it is, just enjoy it. It's really good"
Y/N: " Okay okay, you brought some for yourself?"
Jeff: " Of course"
Y/N: " Good cuz I'm also about to have that as well. Can easily eat food for two"
Jeff: " Wow you're really hungry, you know what? Go ahead" 
He assures. That sudden generosity after being teased is much appreciated.
Y/N: " I'm just kidding, have yours"
Jeff: " Thank you for allowing my to have the food I bought for myself"
Y/N: " So giving, right?"
It makes him laugh.
There's an immediate mood shift from you. You are lifelessly staring at the food. Jeff notices and inquiries
" Is there anything wrong? Do you not like it? Let me get something else"
Y/N: " Chicken rice porridge (why did it have to be this out of all things)"
Jeff is looking at your face waiting for you to say something more to complete the vagueness that sentence of yours, you don't. You take a bite and your eyes widen. Another hasty bite along with another, it goes on and on.
Jeff: "I was afraid you didn't like it. It's one of my favourites. On a long, stressful day, a bowl of it is all you need. It looks like you may need it"
You slow down to say
"It's really good, not as good as my grandma's"
With the saying of the last line, there was something oddly disruptive about it's tone. It meant something beyond the surface.
Jeff: " Eat up, I believe I know where should I take you"
To be continued...

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