Ch 5

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The heavy smell of smoke woke me up from my sleep, fire was quickly spreading through my bedroom, having been breathing in all the smoke in my sleep, sending me into a coughing fit.

I get off the bed as I see the fire spreading towards it, looking around me, I run for the door, opening it, I instantly back away from the doorway, as the roaring fire is eager to kiss anything that comes in its way.

I walk back towards the bedroom window, open it, and breathe in some fresh air, hearing the fire truck sirens I shouted for help, and got no answer in return.

I can't jump from this level, my bedroom was pretty high, it's the attic on this section of our house, and my wings are still undeveloped, I look back at the bedroom door, right after the doorway is a landing and a narrow staircase.

I gulp down the lump in my throat, I have to do this if I wanted to survive, I have to make a run for it.

And make a run for it is what I did, once in the burning hallway, I patted myself down turning off any fire I caught by accident.

Walking down the hallway, I was careful not to get too close to the walls, avoiding any fire that my pajamas can catch up on.

I reached my parents' bedroom, the door was open and the room seemed empty, hearing a crash from the direction I came down from, I don't waste time standing at the doorway and moving forward, I walk further down the hallway and reach Paloma's bedroom.

I put my hand on the doorknob, and wince when the heat burns my hand, I pull the sleeve of my pajamas down to cover my hand, and quickly turn the door knob open.

I stand in the doorway, the bedroom was burning from floor to ceiling, and my father was by the window as he helped the firefighter carry my sister out, her wings were undeveloped as well.

"Dad!" I call out to my father, assuming he didn't hear me over the commotion, I walk further inside Paloma's bedroom and call out to him again, "DAD!" He had his leg over the windowsill, "Dad!" I called out to him again desperately, dodging the fire that was spreading.

This time he looked up, annoyance was all over his face, and his facial expression made me take a step back.

Was I not supposed to come out of this house alive?

Were they planning on leaving me behind?

I hear a creak above me, which made me look up, the beam was falling down, the fire had weakened its support, and the last thing I remember was the annoyed face of my father.

I woke up with a gasp, jolting upright, breathing heavily as if I were stuck in that burning house again.

I was still in my work clothes, tugging the tie off, I unbutton the collar with my trembling hands, the burn was back again to being painful, and any medication the doctors have given me at the hospital, has long worn off.

I was drenched in sweat, I feel gross, a shower is a must.

I glance at the digital clock beside me, it was around three am, might as well get up and start my day.

I stand up and stretch my wings, taking off my clothes as I head to the bathroom, my hand hovers over the light switch, I don't need it since I can see in the dark, but the truth is I don't turn it on to avoid looking at myself, to avoid looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I hate looking at it, I hate looking at the constant reminder of that night.

I can even feel it without seeing it, the skin so tight, like a tight outfit that doesn't seem to fit.

I turn the lights on, and remove the bandages from my hand, opening the water tap, not having to worry whether it's cold or hot, the water is always cold, ever since the water heater broke three years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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