Chapter Five

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I just realised I didn't publish chapter Five, I'm so sorry 😭

Also I just want to say a special thank you to -rembeauty for supporting me since my first chapter and always filling my notifications. Thank you for giving me my greatest motivation for publishing each chapter, and your stories are amazing❤️
6 days earlier, Halifax...

There was no going back.

And she was glad. The old dress Anne had gifted her had been taken away when she first arrived, but ka'kwet had done everything in her power to make sure she didn't leave without it. It was now tucked into her arms safely as she hid between the hay bales, waiting calmly. She was supposed to be stuck in the 'repentance room', an old isolated dungeon that the sisters claimed was 'to let them pray over their sins and repent', but they always failed to tell the children what they had ever done wrong to deserve being put in there.

In a few minutes, Sister Mary would arrive to bring ka'kwet back, but only to find an empty room. The last time she had gone missing, the young girl managed to escape the guards but the search parties were determined to bring her back, even locating her tribe to find her. No matter what, she would never lose hope. She refused to surrender as young Hannah, the solemn Christian girl who was to forget all about who she was, and stay in that rotten place until they broke her spirit completely.
Because her true name was ka'kwet, meaning the starfish, and she was just as resilient as one too.
Ka'kwet had finally decided what to do. With the help of her young allies, the nuns would never even try to send a search party. The only thing on their minds was going to be trying to save the children as the residential school turned to ashes, leaving everyone there to only remember ka'kwet as poor little Hannah who died in the fire before she could finally get rid of her evil Indian ways. Nobody would send a search party for a dead girl, especially when they needed all the help they could get to find another prison for the children - and that's exactly what ka'kwet wanted.

There was smoke coming from a nearby window. After a few seconds, the glass burst and screams could be heard from the shed where she was sat.

It was time.

The girl had to hurry before the children were sent outside, otherwise all of the effort would have been for nothing.
Waiting until all the men standing guard rushed inside to help with the emergency, ka'kwet jumped up and ran. Her mind was in two places at once - she was focusing her eyes forward, trying her hardest not to let anything distract her and to be as quick as a fox, but at the same time her brain was flooded with the thoughts of reuniting with her parents yet again, and returning home once and for all.

To ensure that nobody would try to find her she had already ripped off a piece of her plain dress she had been given and left it in the room, so they would assume the rest of her was in the ruins. The sound of the rip gave ka'kwet new found hope - she could finally be free.

Climbing over the fence reminded her of her childhood, of exploring the trees and finding new animals. She wanted that back more than anything, she wanted to be the ka'kwet who was free to be at one with nature, for that was her home. But her home was also with her family, and she knew that she needed her family to help her. She didn't know where they could be for sure, it was not the way of her tribe to stay in one place for as long as she had been stuck in the boarding school, but she did know where one of her closest family was, one who was alike to her in more ways than she could count.

She needed to find Anne.

Another 6 days later...

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