Chapter Twenty One

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It was now twenty past three and the train to Avonlea was due to leave at around ten to three; the students had around half an hour until they were due at the train station, which was very close by to the manse.

Nevertheless, Aunt Jo had insisted that she would send the young lads and ladies off by carriage as her last act of hospitality before they all left. Anne, who was stood in the hallway getting ready to finally leave, thanked Rollings as he took her bags and placed them into the carriage. Once all the luggage had been stored and the carriage driver ready, Aunt Josephine walked over to Anne, Cole and Diana, who were all stood together.
She opened her arms and allowed the two girls to give her a warm embrace.
"You children make the best of your holiday, understood? This is for all of your train fare."
She handed a pouch of cash and Anne smiled warmly.
"You always do so much for us Aunt Jo, thank you."
Diana nodded and Aunt Josephine smiled and shook her head.

"I do this for you so you all can live your lives with no regrets if you choose to, remember that. And you young man," she turned to face Cole, who gave her a smirk, "You enjoy Christmas with your family, and you better come back."

"Of course I will, don't think you can get rid of me that easily."

They all laughed and, with the final goodbyes, bid farewell to Aunt Josephine and got into the carriage


The students had all been waiting at the train station until they finally heard the words.
"Train to Avonlea, all aboard!"

They all began to board the train and Gilbert stepped on and held his hand out to the redhead. She took it, walked across the train aisle with him as her luggage was put away and seated herself down.
As there were so many people in the train already and so many seats taken, it was impossible for the whole group of twelve or so to sit together and so they split up, with Anne and Gilbert being sat beside each other by the front. Though there was clearly enough space for two other friends in the section, it seemed as though the privacy given to the couple was intentional.

After the train begun its journey, Anne looked out the window. At first her gaze was full of optimism while she looked out at the trees and landscapes but, as her thoughts began to consume her, she changed her expression to a more solemn looking one, perhaps even nervous.
Gilbert turned to look at her and, upon seeing her face, talked and caused her to also turn and look at him.
"Is everything okay?"

She stayed silent, debating on whether she should share her worries, until she nodded and spoke.
"It's just that- well once we set foot in Avonlea, it'll be obvious that we're courting to everyone. I haven't got any problem with that, in fact I think it's a nice thing, but Avonlea is still a small community and gossip is inevitable. Judging by history as well, there's a fat chance that someone might think it a scandal too and if that would happen I wouldn't want to have to deal with all that and I know I might just be overthinking it all but I can't help but just be worried and I don't know what to do."

As Gilbert listened, he couldn't help but feel bad and wonder if he was to blame for what was causing her to be upset. Of course Anne was going to be worried, she had always been subject to rumours and lies since she got here and, despite the fact things had gotten much better, it was probably a sensitive subject she wouldn't want to revisit. Most people of Avonlea considered her just the same as them by now but of course, especially because of his past 'courtship' with Winnie which people were curious about, the couple would be a subject of gossip for sure.
He felt as though he had been so inconsiderate, rejuvenating over the fact that they were together but completely ignoring her anxiety that she would be the one to suffer because of it.

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