Chapter Twenty Five

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It had been Thursday when Diana had reconciled with Jerry and Anne had become acquainted, rather unceremoniously, with Elijah.
Since then the redhead had enjoyed being busy at Green Gables with helping Marilla, doing more work in the barn, buying & making clothes for the Keiths, and especially dealing with the adorably mischievous Davy. According to Mrs Lynde, who was the unfortunate victim of his prank that resulted in her face being covered with flour, cracked eggs and cream, the boy was 'more trouble than his worth'. Anne still couldn't help but stifle a laugh seeing Mrs Lynde yell at the boy while looking like some sort of silly cake monster, and could sense Marilla felt the same way as she could hear the lady laughingly recall the event to Matthew that same evening.

It was now Sunday morning at Green Gables and Anne had been smiling peacefully as she dreamed of dancing through the halls of Camelot with flowers in her hair. Suddenly the walls of the castle began to shake, and it was only then that Anne opened her eyes and realised her resting body was being shaken playfully by Davy, who was now bouncing on her bed.
Along with his childish laughter, she heard the similarly childlike but also sensible voice of Dora.
"Davy. Davy stop that, you're going to annoy Anne. Oh now look what you've done, you woke her up and she looked so smiley before."

Anne laughed and sat herself up with a yawn. She grabbed the bouncing Davy and pulled him down into a hug causing him to laugh, then outstretched another arm in the direction of the standing child. Dora grinned and climbed onto the bed too, shuffling into Anne's lap.

"Don't worry about that Dora, seeing you two makes me even more smiley. And I'm glad to see you're as energetic as yesterday Davy."

"And the day before that. And the day before that." Dora sighed with a slight roll of her eyes, causing Davy to stick his tongue out at her and Anne to laugh.

"I haven't woken up late have I? Have you two had breakfast?"

Davy shook his head.
"Marilla's still making breakfast, says it's bacon and eggs."

The smell wafting into Anne's bedroom proved Davy correct and Anne suddenly realised how hungry she was.
"Right then, you two go on and get dressed, then go downstairs for breakfast once you're done okay?"

While Dora nodded and left the room politely, Davy only ran out the room after giving the redhead a tight squeeze first. Anne smiled affectionately - she had only known Dora and Davy for a few days now and already they had gotten used to her as family, but it wasn't only Anne; the redhead noticed how the children became more at home at Green Gables every day, a thought that caused Jerry and the Cuthberts great relief.

She got out of bed and, after freshening up, slipped on a cream coloured blouse and maroon skirt. She did her hair in a simple bun, leaving the usual two strands out, and examined herself in the mirror with a smile. With the winter season her hair was of course it's usual red but seemed darker than usual, a pleasant observation. Not wishing to waste any time to eat however, she blew a kiss to her Snow Queen before leaving her bedroom and closing the door behind her.

"AH!" Anne let out a loud gasp when she turned only to see Jerry standing by the door of his room, about to close it. Startled by the sound he exclaimed too, and then gave a puzzled and slightly exasperated look.

"Anne? What are you scaring me for?"

"I'm sorry," laughed Anne apologetically, "you just startled me is all. I'm still getting used to the fact that you live here too now."

Jerry rolled his eyes with a smile as he shut the door of his own room behind him, replying jokingly to her before they both walked downstairs.
"Well you better get used to it since I'm not leaving any time soon."

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