Chapter Twenty Six

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"Well, I don't think I could call that a massive success in terms of Davy's first time at church."

Anne sighed to the brunette and shook her head. Church service was over and people were out of the church, either making their way home or staying nearby and talking amongst themselves. Since the unfortunate incident during the Minister's talk, the little girl and her mother returned after a while and once the sermon was over, Marilla and Mrs Barry apologized profusely to the mother for their children's behaviour - thankfully she was known to be a kindhearted lady and held no hard feelings, unlike her bitter faced daughter who constantly death stared the two little perpetrators. Diana replied to the redhead stood beside her with a bitter smile.

"You're not the only one - it seems as though Minnie May's not exactly becoming the elegant, proper girl mother's so intent on her becoming. Though perhaps that's a good thing..."

"But Davy was the one to bring that caterpillar into the church, and to drop the poor thing down that little girl's dress. Oh how humiliating..."

"I don't doubt they shouldn't have done it but from what I've heard the girl isn't exactly the most innocent victim. Minnie May was telling me about her once - apparently she's a real nuisance and enjoys spending her time by picking on the younger kids instead, I've heard she's done some real nasty things. Oh and also, turns out she's Billy's second cousin."

"That explains a lot." Anne rolled her eyes and her comment caused Diana to smile before the brunette continued.

"Anyways, it was certainly not the best case scenario but I don't think mother is going to hold it against young Davy, since Minnie May definitely played a part too. In fact I overheard her conversation with Miss Cuthbert and she seems to think Dora would be a good influence on Minnie May - I expect she'll be finding some way to see for herself soon enough."

"So like she did when I first arrived to Avonlea? Well I've no doubt Dora would be a good influence on Minnie May, but if they become friends let's just hope Minnie May doesn't have the effect on Dora that I did on you." Diana laughed with Anne and the two continued their conversation until eventually the Barrys said their farewells and left to their carriage.

The redhead walked over to where Marilla, Matthew and the twins were getting ready the wagon to leave soon. As Matthew readied the horse, his sister looked down at the grinning Davy with a stern face.
"Now child, you're mighty lucky that Mrs White was kind enough to give you the benefit of the doubt but by no means does that mean that we're letting you off the hook - you're to go straight to your room once we get home and don't expect to be getting any large helpings of dinner. Do you understand?"

Davy nodded but his face remained unfazed and remorseless. Marilla simply sighed helplessly and went on to help Dora into the carriage. Anne looked to her side to see, further away, Gilbert holding Delphine as Sebastian and Elijah readied their wagon. She smilingly mouthed a 'bye' and gave a small wave - her beau replied with his own wave before picking up Delphine's miniature arm and waving it at the redhead. Anne laughed with a fond shake of her head as Gilbert began moving the baby's hand to blow kisses at the redhead; Delphine herself giggled as Uncle Gilby played with her.

Davy watched the interaction between Anne and the man far away and, once Gilbert and the others were already in the wagon and beginning to ride away, he questioned his redheaded pseudo sister.
"So is Mister Blythe in love with you?"

"Hm? Oh, well...I suppose so." Anne smiled but her face slightly flushed as she answered.

"And you love him back?" Davy raised an eyebrow and Anne could've sworn she saw the child give a dirty look in the direction of where the Blythe-Lacroix wagon had ridden away.

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