A/N: Requests Are Closed

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Hello, lovely readers! It is I, T-Lizzo, signing on with a very important author's note regarding the future of this book and my other books on here. So, as many of you are aware, I haven't been writing in this book for a hot minute and have a lot of outstanding requests to get published into this book. To those who are waiting for requests, I'm truly so sorry that I'm taking forever to write them for you all! They have all been written down in my handy dandy request journal and I plan to write all of the requests that I have taken down for you to read at your leisure! That is a writer's promise, even though it'll take me many months to get them written, I will write them all! So, what does this mean for this book, you may be asking yourselves. Well, for the time being, requests for this book will be put on hold until I can get every request done for both this book and my other books that I have to write. Any requests that I have prior to the uploading of this author's note will be written down if I have not written them into my request notebook already. However, if you have any requests that you have not given me to write, I would please ask that you hold tight to those requests until I open requests for this book again and am ready to take requests. I will have another author's note written up to let you know when I open the requests for this book, and I shall make sure that I write down all the requests that I get at that time! Now, I shall shut up and get back to writing! Stay awesome, lovely readers, and I thank you so much for your understanding in advance! :) :D


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