The Kiss

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They kissed.
Him and Courtney actually kissed.
Something Cameron thought would never happen after the last time they almost kissed.
Everything was perfect this way.
He'd be able to keep her safe after fully learning how to use his powers. He just needed to be honest, and things would go great.

Meanwhile Courtney's thoughts were a mess.
She knew immediately she couldn't tell anyone. Rick and Yolanda would go nuts, and Sylvester might try to go after Cameron.
It was all a mess, and she didn't know what to say to anyone about her absence. She'd probably just say that she went on a walk, but who knows if they'd believe her.

When they broke apart, they looked at each other in silence before smiling and laughing a bit.
If only they could stay this way forever, the two thought.

But Courtney felt guilt creep up in her.
She lied. Again.
She knew she needed to tell him the truth.

"Cam?" She asked.
"Yeah?" Cameron replied.
"I think your grandparents aren't telling you everything" she said.

Courtney and Cameron sit on his bed, and she tries to explain.

"Look, I'm not sure what your grandparents told you, but your dad, he-," Courtney starts. But gets cut short by the door opening.

"Cameron? Why is she in here? And what's going on?" His grandmother asks.
Courtney's eyes go wide and she starts to panic.
Cameron looks at the blonde's shocked face and turns to his grandparents in confusion.

"What's going on?" Cameron asks.
"I think Courtney should leave. Its a distraction" his grandmother replied honestly.
"No, she was trying to say something until you interrupted her, can she at least finish what she was saying?" Cameron said.
"Really? Do you really want to the person who killed your father to 'explain'. I don't think so" his grandmother says.
Cameron turns to Courtney in shock as she stands up to defend herself.
"I did not kill his dad! Why would you think that!" Courtney says.
"I forget if it was you or your pathetic step brother that did it" Cameron's grandmother says with a evil grin on her face.
"DONT talk about Mike that way!" Courtney yells.
"Woah woah woah, can we chill out for a second?" Cameron asks, trying to stay calm.
But his grandmother keeps saying rude things.

"You really think you can just walk in here and our grandson will believe your stupid lies?!" His grandfather says.
"You won't be able to. He's not going to believe you!" His grandmother says.

"Can everyone please just stop arguing for a second??!!" Cameron says.
Courtney tries to stop but Cameron's grandmother refuses.

"Get out of my house! You're a idiot, no wonder your dad left when you were little" his grandmother says.

Courtney heart sank at those words as she tried to hold in tears.
"THATS ENOUGH!" Cameron yells, getting in between Courtney and his grandparents.
"Don't EVER talk to ANYONE like that" Cameron says to his grandmother.
Cameron's grandparents then leave the room and slam the door behind them.

Courtney then sits down and starts to cry.
"Court? Are you okay?" He asks, sitting down next to her.
She shrugs her shoulders.

Cameron sighs. This whole thing turned into a big mess.
"Listen, if you don't want to talk about whatever it is you were trying to say anymore you don't have to. We can easily talk about it another day" Cameron says, placing his hand on hers.
"I'm sorry. I really don't want to lie to you" she replies.
"Don't apologize, it's okay" Cameron says.
"I can definitely tell you. But you need to promise you won't tell a single soul about this" Courtney says.
Cameron nods.

"Okay. Lets start from the beginning" Courtney says.

She explained everything.
About his dad, about the ISA, the JSA, almost all of it.

"But wait, how do you know all of this?" Cameron asked.
"Because I'm in the JSA. I'm Stargirl" Courtney replies.

And that's when Cameron understood.
It's when he understood everything.
Why Courtney was always away, why she didn't show up to homecoming, why she had couldn't hang out much last summer, everything made sense.
And things were about to change. He felt happy knowing that she didn't not like him, but she left so she could save the world.

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