The Dinner

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Courtney and Cameron sat at the table with Cameron's grandparents.

There was mainly silence.
Aside for a few questions about school, it was very quiet.
It made Courtney begin to wonder what most nights were like for Cameron and his grandparents.

"So, have you two gotten a chance to talk about Jordan yet?" Cameron's grandmother asked.

Courtney almost chocked on her water and Cameron almost spit his out.

Guilt started to creep inside Courtney as the image of Jordan being run over by the truck played over and over again in her head.

"Yes, we have. But I think it's a sensitive topic for everyone here, so maybe we should just leave it alone" Cameron said, noticing Courtney's uncomfortable face.

"Yes, Lily, why don't we leave it for them to discuss when they want to?" Cameron's grandfather said.

"Okay. But I'll still remember what happened" Lily replied, trying to keep herself from glaring at Courtney in front of Cameron.

The room fell silent.
It was a mess.

Later on, Cameron walked with Courtney back to her house.
"Sorry about my grandparents" Cameron said.
"They can be, odd sometimes" he added.

"It's okay" Courtney replied.
Cameron then kissed her before walking down the stairs.

He then stopped, remembering a question he had.
"Hey uh, is there a chance that maybe tomorrow, you could show me the cosmic staff?" He asked.
"I've just been kinda curious about it and how it works" he added nervously.
"Yeah!" Courtney replied.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow? And then we can discuss it even more" she said.
"Yeah" he replied.

"Bye!" He said as he started to walk away
"Bye!" She replied before going back inside.

Courtney suddenly heard someone running.
She turned to see who it was.

She almost fainted in shock when she saw who it was

Notes: who do you guys think Courtney saw?

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