The Truth

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Courtney suddenly heard someone running.
She turned to see who it was.

She almost fainted in shock when she saw who it was

"HENRY??!!" Courtney said.
He smiled weakly, looking very injured.
"Oh my gosh" she said, tears in her eyes as she ran over to hug him.

"How on earth are you alive?!" She asked.
"I'm not sure. I woke up in the ISA tunnels and I tried leaving. I was stuck down there for months and finally got out today" he replied.

Courtney immediately called a JSA meeting.

Courtney and the other three were at the pit stop.
"Court, what's going on?" Yolanda asked.

"Well, I have a surprise" Courtney said, walking to the door.

She then opened it, revealing Henry.

Yolanda immediately started crying and ran over.
Beth and Rick's jaws dropped in shock.
"How on earth are you alive??" Yolanda cried.
"I woke up in the ISA tunnels and got lost while trying to escape. But today I got out" Henry said, hugging her back.

Henry then began to explain exactly what happened.

The rest of the night was a blur.
Rick had let Henry stay at his place since Henry had no where else to go.

"So, how have you been?" Henry asked Courtney.
"Well, I've been okay. I've had a bunch of supervillains to deal with, plus dating" Courtney said.
"Ohhhh who are you dating?" Henry asked teasingly.

"It might sound really bad, but Cameron Mahkent" Courtney replied.

Henry's eyes widened in shock, but then he became confused.
"Wait, didn't your step brother run his dad over with a truck?" Henry asked.
Courtney nodded.
"Does Cameron know?" Henry asked, starting to become concerned.
"Yes, he knows. I told him a couple days ago, when I found out he had his dad's powers" Courtney said.
"He has his dad's powers?!" Henry said.
Just then Rick walked in. "Okay Henry. It's time to go" he said.
Henry nodded and left his seat. "Bye!" Henry said.
Courtney waved as he walked away.

Courtney still couldn't understand what had happened.
She had been going over ISA files for a while, since they were all still trying to figure out what happened to the gambler.
She eventually came across something in the files Beth had sent her.
Dragon king was experimenting on the ISA.
And he was trying to find a way to make them immortal.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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