Chapter 10 - Out of my Control

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Jared POV

Since that day when we saw Camille I have been going around her to see Diamond. She and I would barely talk unless it was about Diamond but I find a way around that little flaw of hers. Once in a while I would do something unexpected of me and she would say something about it. I just stay quiet and clean my mess and soon I took it to the next level by stolen kisses and hugs which I fine just pleasing as well. I missed her being near me and coming to see her and my daughter is amazing feeling. Mom and Marie come sometimes with me and spend time with them without me there with them. It coming to the point where I became desperate so I took things from her house without her knowing. Diamond she caught me one day going through her mother drawers. but she caught on to what I was doing and help me out. Diamond was excited to be home with me again and give me some of her things to. I go to Fed x store and have them send my things to my address at North Carolina. Lately I made sure it wasn't the noticeable things that you can catch off the back. I was surprise how well things was going with my plan. Now am sitting at the table eating dinner with them watching them with a smiled.

"Camille, dear when do you plan to go shop for groceries?" I asked her as she looked at me blinking

"How long are you planning staying here Jared?" Camilla asked

"As long my daughter is here am staying" I said with a smile on my face watching as Camilla watch me closely and longing

"What are you trying to prove? That I'm still yours or this commitment we made is still there" Camille asked with her arms folded with a frown upon her face

I laugh and shake my head and walk up to her "No, I have nothing to prove... because we both know- what we need" I said with a smirk touching her cheek as she sighs out to me

"Jared" Camille said

"Shush... don't ruining the moment for us" I said to her and move closer leaning our lips touch and it felt like heaven blast to me. I walked her backwards to the wall and lift up her legs as she wrapped them around my waist "baby, I missed you" I kissed her neck.

"Jared" Camille moans out "Oh Jared"

"That right baby... say my name" I encourage her sexually and caressing her thigh and savoring every bit of her as I take my slow time to explore her body like I used to. Every stroke and lick she gives me a blissful moan out her delicate lips.

"Oh Jared... we- we should stop" she said between moans

"No, baby... this what we both need" I said feeling my arousal rubbing myself up against her made me moan out to her and wanted more. She was my cure and I was the sick helpless patient who needed her to feel better. Next all I know that I took her upstairs and laid her down and we was make out wildly and Camille on top of me ripping my shirt off and unbutton my pants. I watch as she sucks on my chest and bites my hard nipple and I groan with lust. This girl was driving me wild and I couldn't do nothing to stop what is going to happen between us. She could forget what his face because I'm all she needed at this moment. I flipped her over and took off her pants and undies and started working my way up with wild long kisses and then had my dessert. All you could hear was her heavy breathing and moans of pleasure and my groans of satisfactions of her pleasure.

"More... please more" she screams

"Oh Camille.... Baby... mmm I love you" I said so sexually

"I want ... more. Please more" she begged

I nod and give her what she asked for and it was amazing. I took the next step and got on the bed and filled her up with me as I slowly ride her feeling her nails dig in my bare back as she moans out. She surprise me when she stared moving her hips with me and it was feeling I never felt and I was enjoying every bit of it. My Camille was showing her freaky side to me and it give me more adrenaline for days if she allow me. When we was done it was passed twelve in the afternoon. Diamond didn't get home until later around three so we had two hours to make it to round six. I couldn't stop smiling if I tried holding her close to me as she slept in my arms.

"I love you Camille" I kissed her shoulder and her neck as she moans and moves a little but settles down again.

Camille POV

Waking up was a blissed at first then reality hit me like a brick wall. I felt guilty and remorseful but one thing was clear to me I didn't regret it for one second. I blink a couple time and turn my head to see Jared sleep and I couldn't help but stared at his beauty and his lips that I loved on mines. This man took my breathe away with every kiss his planted on my skin and every dirty thought or saying turn me on because it came from him and only him. I have never felt so out of control of my sexuality when it came to Douglas but with Jared I couldn't control myself I had to have every part of him. I desired and feed of his energy and good looks it unhealthy I know but it's just what it is.

I felt something soft on my forehead and I looked up to see his beautiful hazel eyes looking right back at me "Hey, Cami"  he kissed my lips twice with a smile

"Hey" I said back and watch him for a while until I heard my phone beep and reach over and grab it and see it was Douglas calling me "Shit" I said glancing over at Jared who was laying on his elbow watching me with a smirk on his face.

"it's him aint it?" he asked with a knowing smile

I swallow sitting pulling the cover over my exposed body from him and clear my throat answering the phone "hello?"

"Hey there beautiful... are you busy this afternoon?" Douglas asked

 I was thinking of way to tell him that Jared over to visit his daughter without making him think we did more then what needed to exposed to him. but what knock me out of my thought was Jared have me sitting between his legs listening on my phone called and I glared at him "tell him your busy" Jared whisper in my ear as he nibble my ear making me gasp with excitement.

"Camille? Are you okay over there?" Douglas asked me with worried in his voice. But I couldn't answer him at the moment with Jared nibbling and his hands wondering my body making me all hot I was fighting the urge to moan out. "Camille... CAMILLE! Are you there?" he called out "I'm on my way" Douglas said worried

Jared kiss my neck and behind my ear and smiles "talk baby... tell you okay. I want him to hear us"

I was having a hard time understanding what he said with my mind all lustful at the moment but somehow I find some logic thought and answer him "Douglas! I'm fine. I just trying to figure out how to tell you that Diamond is supposed to spend time with her father today and me today"

"Oh" he said sounding disappointed "didn't think you had to be with them"

Tried to move Jared away for a second so I can think but he had his one plans " no, I don't have to but lately I have be so distracted from Diamond that me and her haven't been spending time together"

"Isn't because of him? That Jared guy" he asked

Jared hands went down south and filled me up making me gasp and almost moan but I bit my lips to stop myself "No, let me call you back... I have to- to go" I said and hang up the phone attacking Jared lips and here come round six maybe even seven if I get lucky.

He said it wasn't hisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora