Chapter 16: Where is Douglas

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Jared POV

It was close to seven clock when we hard a knock on the door and I already knew who it was and I wasn't planning to greet his ass either. I was to busy watching Diamond eating her food humming rocking her body side to side as she ate. I started to think over the conversation me Camille had about my father and it was true my father isn't a bad guy just strict and down grading anything that doesn't seem his cup of tea. I remember the time I told my father about Camille when we was teens and he didn't like the idea of me messing around with some homeless girl. Which I explain Camille had her own even if she didn't have her parents to guide her and she was strong headed and a good girl. I love her since the day I meet her and still to this very day I do.


I was in my father office waiting on my mother to pick me up because dad had a meeting in a few. He wanted to show me around his building and me to greet some workers. I even mat this lady and her daughter I believe her name was Bonae and she goes to private school. I smile and laugh with her and my father took my arm and lead me away from the lady. Heading back to his office my father started questioning me.

"So, How was it?" he asked

I looks at him and wondered what he was talking about "About what?"

"the conversation with the girl" he asked

"Oh, it was okay dad" I said shrugging my shoulder

He watch me with amused look and laughs and stops walking turning to me and glance where the lady still stood and back at me.

"she is a pretty isn't she and she makes A's in school" he add

I shake my head and lick my lips and glance at the girl. "yeah she is pretty, but is not my type of girl" I said

"and what is your type son?" He asked like I'm not aware what is good for me.

"someone who independent and have their own. She dependent on her mother and I'm not feeling that" I said

My dad laughs and shakes his head rubbing his bread. "And your not?" he asked

I sigh and look at him and sly smile knowing his right that I'm still depending on my own parents. But what he didn't understand is I already find the girl I like and want and she wasn't going nowhere. "Dad, I have a girl that I want" I explain leaving him their steading walking towards his office.

"whoa ... whoa, stop right there young man. Where is all this coming from" he asked as he approach me with strict demeanor. I can see his eyes ice grilling me that I couldn't shake the feeling that if I say the wrong thing he will slap the taste out my mouth.

"I have this girl that goes to my school name Camille. She is a god gift to earth and I love her dad. She amazing and smart and she makes A's to" I said smiling thinking of Camille

My dad watch as I smiled like a idiot and his face had a slight smirk. He pats my back and nods for me to go on and we get to his office walking on he sits in a chair front of his desk and I sit in the other as he laughs and rest his hand on his lap. He leans towards me and smirks.

"So tell me son... How does this girl makes you feel" he asked

" like I'm walking on air dad. She makes me feel alive and full of energy" I explain trying to put my words together to give him.

He nods and glance out his window and back at me his rubs his full grown beard while looking at me.

"What's her name" he asked

"Camille Hayes" I said with a upbeat voice

He narrows his eyes. "You had sex with the girl... Is that why your so interested in her?" he asked with conviction

My brows frown and my lips was a flat line. I was appalled at his statement but I still answer it honestly. Looking him straight in the eyes and said.

"Actually dad, No we didn't" I said

"Really? That strange. Usually when two people are fucking they get all wrapped up in each other real quick" he points out

"Dad, I maybe seventeen. But wouldn't take it that far with her yet" I explain

He leans back and crossed his arms and lifts a brow at me. "And what makes her so special?"

I smile "everything"

He chuckles and rocks and rocks in his chair. "Okay. Good to know" he nods and leans forwards. " let's keep it that way for now. Don't need any grandkids to soon"

"Yeah I know" I said

My father office phone rang and he answer and he nods gets off turns to me.

"Your mother outside" he tells me

I smiled happy to get away from him and this crazy conversation. I nod and grab my bag and heading out and stop when my dad call me.

" yes, dad?" I asked

"We need to finish this later on when I come home" he lifts a brow at me

I laugh and nod " sure, hey dad just one question I always wanted to ask?"

He smiles and nods "what is it son?"

"How come every time you pick me up I come here instead of home?"

He laugh " Son, you maybe seventeen but we aren't dumb to leave you home alone with the type of friends you have. Hell no not in my house" he answer

I nod with a small smile and walked away heading to my mother car that awaits me

Flashback over

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