Chapter 4

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Doug pulled Violet out of the pool and pressed his lips against hers because he thought she wasn't breathing. Violet started coughing and saw him crouched over her in his wet white briefs. Her eyes grew when she saw he was aroused. Doug smiled like he was embarrassed.

Above him, hovered the faces of everyone else at the party.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Violet nodded and coughed again. "I'm fine."

"Pamela, Violet is over here making out with your boyfriend," Krissy called.

Pamela appeared holding a plastic red cup. She was drunk. "What? Doug, what are you doing?"

"I was saving her!" he said. "This ballsy chipmunk attacked her."

"Likely story," Krissy said. "Pamela, do something."

"Get up, Doug. Right now!" she shrieked.

Doug nodded. "See ya, Violet. Hope you are okay."

Everyone else saw he was aroused when he stood up. He disappeared with Pamela and Krissy into the crowd. Violet got to her feet and looked around for the psycho prairie dogs.

"Violet, are you okay?" Chip asked frantically. He walked over on his crutches. "I was gonna jump in, but Doug said he had my back."

Violet ran her fingers through her wet hair. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just didn't expect this."

She touched her side where the prairie dog bit her and winced.

"I caught this guy." Chip held up a cat kennel. Inside the wet prairie dog paced back and forth, stopping once to hiss at Violet. "My dad's a vet, and I'll see if this guy has rabies."

"Ugh, he still looks like he wants to murder me," Violet said. "Can we just go? I'm ready to get out of here."

Just then, they heard a car peel away. It sounded like Doug's BMW.

"Oh, no, guys!" Krissy said coming back out of the house. "Doug took off. Pamela was so pissed. I've never seen her that mad before."

"That's just great," Violet said.

Chip pulled out his phone. "I'll call him and tell him to come back."

"Guys, don't do that!" Krissy said, suddenly pretending like she was nice. "I'll take you both home! It will give me a chance to drive my new Mercedes!"

It was after midnight when they drove off in Krissy's gold Mercedes. The sky had gotten darker because clouds had rolled in. The only light was from the car's headlights and the streetlamps that got fewer and farther between as they headed toward Violet's house. Violet didn't want to be dropped off first, but Krissy insisted.

When they turned onto her block, it was nearly pitch black. The car's headlights showed six houses covered in toilet paper and the streetlamps had all been smashed out.

Violet knew right away it was the work of the family with all the boys who lived at the end of the block. There were five of them and they had probably taken to vandalizing on Halloween now that they were too old to trick or treat. She felt embarrassed her neighborhood looked like a bombed-out city.

Krissy drove slowly and her eyes bugged out like it was the worst neighborhood she'd ever been to. "This is freaking me out. I mean, I've been over here in the daytime. We had a maid who lived over here. But at night it is so creepy"

"It doesn't usually look like this," Violet said. "Just some stupid kids trashing the neighborhood."

Chip leaned forward from the backseat and whispered in Krissy's ear, "Or maybe the guys from New Mexico broke out the streetlights."

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