Night For Long - A Warriors Based Story

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Trigger Warning(s): Implied Death

-Don't worry my kit-
-The sunshine shall come back soon-
-And light our way too-

The moon and stars gleamed in the dark night sky. The clouds rolled in, coverings the moonlit camp. *BANG!* Thunder rumbled through the forest, and rain started to pore.

"Mommy," asked a small white kit.

"Yes dear," the mother replied.

"Darkkit and I are scared," said the young tom, nudging his sister. Darkkit nodded.

"Don't worry, it'll pass Sunkit," said the mother, "Just remember, the storm will pass"

"Poppyleaf," said a pale grey tom," we need help with the camp wall.

"Okay Greystorm," said Poppyleaf, "Yarrowtail, can you look after my kits?"

"Sure" replied Yarrowtail.

"I love you my kits," said Poppyleaf, climbing out of her nest. Then, she slipped out the nursery entrance. So Sunkit and Darkkit nuzzled with Yarrowtail and her kit Fernkit.

"The sun will come back out," Sunkit told himself silently, then drifted asleep.

*15 moons later*

*BOOM* Light flashed through the entrance of the den.

"Darkpelt, are you up," said a figure in the shadow.

"I am now, what is it Suneye?" whispered Darkpelt.

"I can't sleep," said Suneye.

"Remember what your mom said," whispered Fernshine from across the den. "She always said the storm will pass."

"Thanks Fernshine," Suneye said as he drifted to sleep.

"Don't worry Suneye, you have the whole clan with you. The sunshine shall come back soon. And light our way too."

Then he drifted to sleep.

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