A Test?

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Nico pov 

I knew I would have to face a God to get him back. I just didn't know the certain God was hot as fuck. I need to stop I'm here to get will back.

He clearly wont let me pass. 

 "Please I need to get him anubis". He shakes his head "I'm sorry nico but I cant it's against the laws of death".

" please " I say voice breaking. He sighs 

 "Fine then I'll give you a test"

 I imagine all the horrible things he could say and mentally prepare. "What test anubis"?

He smiles "stay here with me and earn the right to bring him back by proving that you are willing to do anything"

This wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting that I have to walk through snakes or kill a thousand monsters. Not just stay here. 

 "You have a deal anubis" and I take his hand.

Authors note- nope totally wasnt lazy ok 

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