🌞Talent Show🐠

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Wassuh shawteee date me please you beautiful hottie- sorry anyway uh ik there's no talent show and LIEK I SAID KATSU IS OOC but idc play the song when I say HheuHyehhsuav -SLAY WAHT YA WANNA SLAyY-oof


Today was the day of the ADELA(forgot the name of the school to lazy to look up lol) middle school talent show. Why was this day so special you ask? This was the one time where the dynamic duo DON'T work together..why is THIS so major you ask again?? You'll see 😏

~Time skip brought to you by Author-san's lazy ass~

'Today's the day katsuki' the spiky haired blonde thought to himself.

The cocky boy strides through the school, he got a few classmates to distract the clueless kitsune girl from his 'eViL pLaNs MwUaHaHa-COUGH-' for the talent show.

-sorry another time skip because endeavor beat shoto's ass, and I'm gonna beat his-


After the auplause of the crowd from the other performances, it was time..
For the moment you've all been waiting for..hUehUegHuegha
Nobody expected the male to sacrifice his dignity for a stupid task like this- thought to be his words not mine..
"Now presenting...bakugou katsuki'..and the idiots..? Seriously who is naming these bands-" the random announcer that's probably a sad middle aged man who gave up on life's voice echoed through the gym.

. . .
Play the song now darling~
. . .

As the blonde sang the😭 cute 🥺 lil💗song💞, and if I might be so bold to add in a cow onesie-
The parents couldn't help but think it was adorable to see his lil' confession while the student's on the other hand, we either laughing they're asses off or recording while giggling about how cute they would be together.(damn that was a long sentence Ugh-)

The 'girl of the hour was chuckling softly as she recording.


'bro this dude really did this for a girl- BAHAHAH..ha..ha..hm- wait who is this girl..is it even a girl? Awee is he coming out?! OMLSUPPORTIVEBESTFRIENDMOMENTYESS' She thought to herself while a random woman scooted away from the creepy giggling teen clutching her purse.
"Little Timmy this is why you don't do drugs, were going home" the woman whispered to he child while staring at the girl.

'tf she TALKING' bout- 🗿' 'NANI-DAFUQ HE STARING AT ME FoUr?!'- the (H/C)-ette was interupted from her thoughts as the blonde male painted to her direction at the end of his song.

"(Y/n) fucking (L/n)..." He began..
"Will you...Go out with me..?" The girl was BEYOND shocked at his statement...or question..??

. . .

"You know what.. HELL YEAH BESTAY~" she practically screeched like a dying eagle.
All of a sudden.. Sakura's began falling from somewhere, as romantic music played in the background..yeah..one of Those cringey-ass moments. She ran through the isles of bleachers dramatically as laughs broke out in the crowd and the sound of popcorn.
"I love you princess" the blonde whispers in the short/tall/mid-sized girl as they rocked side to side in a hug like besties with benefits- (STFU YA DAMN HOE) DAYUM ok.
"Love ya homie" she replied as they slipped into the sunset.



The green haired boy sat with his arms crossed over his forehead as he cried with his headphones ringing in his eardrums.




Inko worriedly looked at the stairs as she held thoughts of worry for her innocent son.

"Is this what emo teens are like..?" She muttered, as her breath hitched.


HOLA SOY POORA- BOOYAH BITCHES HELLO - hru? Tell me bout your day shawty I'm here to listen 👂 ❤️❤️


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