Chapter 2

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Hey guys!!! I just wanted to let you know that all of my chapters are sort of short but they're worth reading! i hope... anyways, pleas let me know what you think cause i wanna know how to make it better. And don't worry all you Sheerios, Ed Sheeran will be in the story sometime in the near future. Also, the girl who is supposed to be River Williams is the girl on the cover.              Now please carry on------>

"TELL ME A LIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!" Nicole screamed into my ear as we were waiting for the plane to take off. Of course they had just said on the monitor to "put away all electronic devices" and Nicole automatically pulled out her phone and earphones and started listening to One Direction.

"Excuse me miss but I'm going to have to ask you to put away your phone" said the flight attendant who apeared out of nowhere.

"Excuse me miss but Harry is about to start his solo so if you would kindly leave me alone before the feels come."

Oh Nicole.

"Sorry but she's a major Directioner and you can't stop her once she's started." I said. She just gave me that teenage-girls-are-the-worst look and walked away. Jesus mad, what happened to the nice ones? 

"Oh!!!! The feels are a-commin'!" Nicole shouts. She's lucky she's on the inside cause right now, I'm getting some wierd stares. 

"River, sing along with me. 

I want you to Rock me!"

(insert hip thrust here)

"Rock me!"

(insert hip thrust here)

"Rock me! Yeah!!!" We sang as we felt the plane lift off our American soil. As soon as that happened, I instantly felt sad again. I won't see anyone that I know except for Nicole for the next month. No other friends, relatives, not even aquantiences! No...

No Mom.

*****                                                                                                                                                                    *****

The plane ride would have gone a lot smoother if I had charged my iPod while we were waiting to board. But I didn't because I'm just stupid I guess. It died after I listened to one song, at least it was one of  my favorites, "One Night" by Ed Sheeran. I love him so much but then my iPod died right as he started singing "Kiss Me". That reminded me of my mom again. She loved that song so much.

Why was it so hard to forget about her? Why was it so hard to say goodbye? We have never really been as close as i wanted to be, especially when I was younger. Most of the time, she would come home drunk and crash on the couch. I never worried about her untill she didn't come home one weekend. I remember I was doing my homework upstairs in my bedroom. It was already 11:30 p.m. and she the last time I saw her was two days before, I thought that she finally leaving me. Like for good. Maybe she had found another guy who she could start a family with. Or maybe she found a guy who she could get high with. "Who knows?" I thought. 

I thought about going to look after her for a while but I decided to just try to go to sleep. Even though it was close to 12 already, I still couldn't go to sleep. I kept daydreaming about what I would do without my mom. I would be living on the streets of San Francisco with nothing. 

Nothing at all.

Then my phone started ringing. Who was it you ask?

It was the hospital. Regarding my mom.

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