Chapter 3

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Jesus! Why the hell do i have so much homework on a fuggin' monday??? Ugh!!!

How many hours have i been doing homework now? Like 6 hours? And where is mom??? Not that i care or anything... do I?... no, no she has practically abandoned me why...




ugh! give me a break!

"Hello?" I ask sorry for the person who had to put up with me while i was in this state of irritation and agivation.

"Yes ma'am, Is there a River Williams here?"

"Yeah, that's me..." Who in their right mind is calling?

"Hello miss, I'm calling to tell you that your mother has been admitted to St. Luke hospital at 12:15 p.m." 

What happened? Is she okay? How is she doing now? Is she okay? Is... Is she dead? 

So many questions that I had to know the answers for, but I couldn't ask. I couldn't even move. Nothing. What did she just say? I don't even know, I wasn't paying any attention to her anymore. My vision was stuck on an old picture of my mom. One with her holding a little girl in her arms. Me.

When did things become so bad? When did she turn from the perfect mom into barely one at all?

"Hello? Miss are you there?" C'mon Riv, snap out of it.

"Y-yes, I'm here, is she okay?" 

"She's stable but she is asking for you." What? She was asking for... me? But she hates me! She was never there, and when she is, she's just home to get dressed then she goes out to get wasted all over again. She wasn't exactly 'motherly' material anymore. Should I go?

Oh, what the hell.

"Alright, I'm on my way. Thanks" I tell her. Great. Now, next problem,


I can't drive, i don't have enough fro a taxi... the bart it is.

After about half an hour of waiting with an old man with no teeth and what looked like a hooker with the smallest piece of cloth that she used as a dress, I finally arived at the hospital. 

"Holly Williams?" I ask the receptionist person-thingy.

"Room 205 on your right.."

"Thanks" I mumble running down the hall of the hospital running into a few people on the way. Why was I rushing so much?

"Found it" I mutter taking a few deep breaths before I walked into a hospital room to see a pale, skinny, fragile looking lady who looked like she was more in her 60's than her early 40's.


"Sweetheart! I- I didn't think you'd come. I'm so sorry." She said sounding pretty emotional for her state.I was looking down untill I heard sniffiling. 

"No! Don't cry!" I said, running toward her bed.

"I'm so so sorry River, I love you so much sweetheart. I-" then she just broke down in my arms. Only then I realized how much I really missed her. How much I wished that I could have taken back all those years that I didn't talk to her.

For the first time in a while, she said that she loved me.

The woman that I have said so many bad things about, was the very one that I missed talking to.

The one who used to be my best friend was the very one who i would always forgive, but never forget.

The one that I kept away from, was the one who I missed playing at the park with. 

The one who I thought that I lost. But she came back.


*****End of Flashback*****

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