Chapter 4

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Rivers P.O.V.

Nicoles talking woke me up from my day-dream. She's my best friend. She wasn't a  super-thin, super-tall Victoria Secret model but she didn't need to be. She was (and always has been) super cheeky and loud. She was really, super-duper curvy. She had one of the hugest hips in the whole entire universe.

And she loved them.

Aside from her hips, she had long brown hair that she would straiten every single day. She never went a day without mascara and foundation and her favorite "Baby Lips" lipgloss but she hardly wore eyeliner unless there was a guy that she wanted to impress. Which wasn't much because most guys weren't good enough for her and she knew it.

She may seem cocky but really, she was just confident. 

And crazy.

"Harry! Hazza! HAZ!" she yelled "Oh my god! It's Harry's part in Little Things!!! I can't even wait Riv!" She was in love and I mean LOVE with Harry Styles. That was her man! But she highly overreacted when she heard his voice.

"No Nicole, I really can't." I say with as much energy as I could manage for the amount of sleep that I needed. 

I looked at my phone and saw that it has been over 3 hours since we got on the plane. Damn. Where have I been?

"Hello???" Nicole said snapping her fingers infront of me " You daydream way too much" 

Right, I've been daydreaming for the past 3 hours.

"Sorry, what?" I say 

"You know what? Imma just let you dream about whatever you want while I listen to some 1D... 

or should I say 5D! Hahaha!" oh jesus.

"Hardy har har" I say as sarcastic as I could manage and go back to day dreaming. 

8 hours later

"RIVER!!!!!!!!!" who the hell? "We're here!!!" Nicole. Of course.

"Okay! Okay! I'm back to reality! Happy?" I ask

"Exceptionally! Now lets get of this plane and to the nearest Starbucks because you look like you need someting to consume."

"Fine! But we get our bags first."

"Yes, of course! All of my good make-up is in there." 

"Oh you and your make-up. Leggo!" I say when everyone finally get moving.


"That was good!" Nicole said

"What? The mocha or the guy who made it" I ask

"Both of them were mocha." she says with a smirk that all the guys go crazy for.

Why can't I make things like that look sexy? I'm just super awkward and I can't be flirty in any way humanly possible.

"Kay, I just gotta change then we'll be on our way!" Nicole said.

"Should I change too?" I ask her.

"Um... you don't need to. I'm just changing cause I wanna be warmer." 

"Oh, ok then. I'm just going to grap my moc-" 

Oh shit!

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