Chapter 5

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"Oh Shit! Nicole. My purse! Where's my purse?" I just had it and now after 5 minutes, it was gone!

"Calm down smart-ass, you probably left it at Starbucks!" She said running away from me. Where the hell was she going now?

"See! I told you!" I heard from god-knows where. "Riv-Oh... Where'd ya go." Hah! She actually went to Starbucks! How funny.

"Still right here!" I yelled at her.

"Ugh! Dude! I just ran my ass to Starbucks to get your purse and you didn't even come after me?!? Wow well I found your purse... Why were you so worried anyways?"

"Well... They um... have the uhhh... One Direction tickets in them..." That wasn't awkward was it? I mean it's not like I was worried about them just...


"No I'm not! I just didn't want to put up with your crap if YOU couldn't go! Now shall we?" I asked annoyed.

"Alright, alright... Just don't start fangirling on me, alright? Haha, JKJK!" Ugh! This was going to be a looonnnngggg trip.

*Harry's P.O.V* (ooh!)

Rehersal. Show. Sleep. That's all I need to be worried about right now. Well maybe I could use some food. "Niall! Wanna come with me to the store?"

"For what???" he yelled from across the room

"Food! I need some of it!" I yelled back

"Alright! I'll be in the car!" he yelled while I grabbed my keys and shoes.

Why does everything sound so good? Ugh! Niall already bought out the whole sandwich section so I guess I'll just get some fajitas. It took us a while before we could get to our car because some girls (and by some I mean about 100) had found us. After a record of 15 minutes we made it in our car and back on the road. When I drive, I like totally zone out so I didn't notice that there was an police car coming behind us until Niall pulled my stearing wheel to the side.

"What Victoria Secret model were you dreaming about now?" Niall asked me while I was watching the police pass us, turning left and stopping right at the corner. Just then I noticed the glass on the road to the side of us. As soon as we passed the street, we saw just what had happened. And I couldn't look away.

A/N: Hey guys! hopefully this is a sorta longer chapter! Or at least longer than my other ones... Anyways! Please comment cause I feel really lame like no one reads this... Haha...


Anyways, what strange incident happene? Why can't Harry look away??? Comment below!

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