Chapter 10-Meanwhile

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After arriving at the picnic spot everyone ate quickly before running off to do their own thing. Alma didn't have too many rules thankfully, so it wasn't hard for the children to stick to your agreement of not breaking any. Until Millard climbed a tree and you made him sit down on the blanket while his friends went off and had fun without him. Bronwyn had a ton of fun giving others piggy back rides, even if some of them were double her size. Fiona practically grew and entire garden with nearly every kind of flower you could imagine. And Hugh let his bees run wild pollinating them. Horace sat calmly reading a book. The twins had momentarily run off but returned a moment later with three butterflies they'd turned to stone. They gave the most intricate one to Miss Peregrine, and another to you. You've no clue what they did with the third as they ran off soon later. Claire sat quietly while Enoch was being uncharacteristically sweet and reading a couple chapters from Tales of the Peculiars to her. Emma was whispering to Olive about something and you had a horrible sinking feeling that it was about your conversation with Emma earlier.

Soon Olive went over to the blanket you sat on next to Alma and silently grabbed your hand, pulling you up and dragging you away. You went along with it, also saying nothing as she brought you over to were Emma stood in the middle of the flowers Fiona had created. Emma pointed to a group of dark blue flowers that she'd probably asked Fiona to make specifically. "Those are Miss Peregrine's favorite flowers. Pick a dozen or so and give them to her."

You didn't know what kind of flower they were exactly but it didn't much matter. You did as Emma said, picking exactly a dozen and holding them behind your back as you walked over to Alma. She greeted you with a smile but looked away to continue watching her children. "I've got a gift for you." You said to gain her attention. It worked and she looked back at you with a grin.

"Oh? Whatever your hiding behind your back I presume." You nodded and held out the flowers to her. "Oh my, these are my absolute favorite. Thank you, darling." Her grin widened as she took them from you. She patted the spot on the blanket next to her, urging you to sit down. When you did she gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, setting the flowers down beside her, before resuming watching the children.

—Meanwhile Outside The Loop—

"This is no use! If we don't find her soon Barron will have our heads!" One wight yelled as he kicked a lamp that had been laying on the floor.

"Well gee, I wonder who's fault it is we're here. Oh right, it's yours, Dan. Yours and Mitch's. If you guys had managed to capture that ymbryne instead of letting her escape, we wouldn't be searching for nearby loops, now would we?"

"Don't get all smart with me Jackie!"

"Will both of you just shut up?!" A new voice yelled from upstairs. He poked his head through a hole in the floor, narrowing his white eyes at the two. "Quit your bickering. We need to find the loop, it's somewhere on this island. Miss Grandala is most definitely hiding there. We will find her. We will capture her. And Barron won't try and kill us."

"Easy for you to say, Jeremy." Another new voice said, coming up from the basment. "You're not one of the two that lost her in the first place. Me and Dan got hell to pay for losing her in the first place. Not to mention those two kids she escaped with."

"You know what." Jackie spoke again. "I think we would've found the loop by now if it were based in this old house. It was bombed ages ago anyway, let's go search better places for a loop entrance. Such as somewhere, dark, creepy, overall unpleasant?"

"But Barron said-" Mitch spoke up.

"No, no. Jackie's right. We won't find a loop in this house." Jeremy said. "I'll come downstairs and then we'll go."

The four wights soon left the house to go and search the rest of the island in attempt to find the loop. And they'd look for as long as necessary.

—Also Meanwhile In Miss Avocet's Loop—

"Esmeralda!" Miss Bunting yelled as she ran into the room. "It's Mallory. Her peculiarity, it's been triggered... twice.."

"By who?" Miss Avocet said, suddenly tense as she glared at the other woman who towered over her from her place in a wheelchair.

"You must remember Alma. And... Y/n."

"Alma? No, Alma would never.. Bring me Mallory!" Miss Bunting nodded and rushed out of the room to go and get the young ward. Mallory was ten, and she has a rather odd peculiar ability. The ymbryne council began using it long ago to make sure one of their rules stayed in place even after they could no longer keep an eye on the ymbrynes. Mallory, by just touching someone's hand, could tell if they were in love. But even after that touch ended, she was still connected in a way to them. She could still see if that ever changed. "Hello, dear." The woman said when the young girl strode through the door. "I was told your peculiarity was triggered? By whom?"

"Miss Peregrine and Miss Grandala, Miss. likely for each other. I'm sorry to bring you this news."

"I see... You're dismissed, thank you Mallory." The girl nodded and left, Miss Bunting entered the room in her place. "Send word to Miss Wren. Have her pay a visit to Alma's loop. The council's decision; have Y/n leave Alma's loop to go and create her own once again. We cannot allow this to go on much longer."

"Of course." Miss Bunting replied before leaving the room to go draft a letter to Miss Wren.



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