Chapter IV

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"So, what nice place were you thinking of?" Donatello asked when he had looked at his lover, Casey perked up, realizing he was again staring at the mutant. "I was thinking that we could..have a picnic on a roof." He responded with a soft smile, "Would you like to go now?" The mutant asked as the other nodded. Meanwhile,, Val had brought April into the dojo, like she said, she was gonna distract April as long as possible. It began to get more difficult to do so, though. "Val— Enough! I need to go talk to Donnie." April slightly yelled, "One more." "Ugh,,I hate your tricks." Val rolled her eyes, she kept on distracting like she said.

The two lovebirds were now up on a roof under all of the stars, eating the heart shaped pizza. "Y'know,, Most stars take millions of years to die, they die by them exhausting their nuclear fuel. It's called a supernova." Donatello said as a fact, it showed his interest for space. The hockey player looked at him, "That's pretty cool, D. Where'd you learn that?" "Oh, I just studied it by a book." The mutant responded after he swallowed his bite of the pizza. "I never knew you liked stars. Im glad I do now." Casey said as he grabbed his letter out of his pocket, he meant to give it to Donnie when he finished that training with April and took her home. He then handed the other the letter, "Here, gap-tooth." "Hey!" Donatello playfully rolled his eyes and opened the letter. He began reading it...
Hey, D. I know you may hate me, and I get it, I understand. I just thought I might as well tell you this just so you're aware. I like you, Donatello. Not April. I can tell by your expressions and how you act around me that you think I like her. I don't. And I'm sure that you like her instead..But I love you. Everything about you. You're special, you have talent, you're caring, and god you are absolutely adorable. I know we didn't start off very well, but if you don't like me back, that's fine. We could be friends, best buds, y'know? Thanks for reading this. - Casey Jones.
The mutant sat still for a few seconds, he felt touched by the words. He smiled slightly, "You can finally use proper grammar now?" Casey felt slightly offended, "Hey! But yeah,,I meant to give that to you earlier." He responded, "Look inside the envelope." He said, watching Donnie curiously look into the envelope..To find a Purple Heart shaped jewel. He looked at it, finding it fascinating. "Thank you, Case'. This is very heart warming." He smiled at his lover, Casey returned the smile. "I'm glad you love it."
The two sat there just enjoying their time, not expecting anything to happen. 20 minutes passed. "We should get going." Casey said realizing the time. "Yeah, this was really nice." Donatello replied as he stood up. It was very nice, the stars were bright and beautiful, the cool breeze was hitting them softly, it was perfect, a perfect date. But.. what was about to happen was no good.

"I think you might have gone too far." Splinter said as he looked towards the female, Val huffed softly and bowed slightly to him, "I'm sorry. I just..I was getting annoyed by her." She responded, feeling only some guilt. April was there on the floor, knocked out thanks to Val. "Yes, but you should not allow rage to take control of you. What do you have to say for yourself?" The rat scolded, "I have nothing to say for myself, Sensei." "Understood. Now, i think it's time for you to go home now. Have a good night." Val walked out of the dojō, sighing softly to herself before going off. "Val, what was that noise?" Leonardo happened to ask. "Oh nothing, just me tricking April. I got to go." Val said in a rushed voice and hurried out of the lair.

A kraang robot had swatted Donatello across his head, causing the turtle to go unconscious while two other kraang kept Casey captive, holding his arms. "What— Donnie!!" The hockey player yelled, struggling to break free from the grasp of the two robots. "LET ME GO!! HELP!" He yelled, no one. No one came to help them.. Two vans arrived down below, the couple were carried down the steps. Donatello and Casey were thrown into separate white vans, the kraang hopping in. "Donnie!? D??" Casey looked around trying to spot his lover, until he came to the realization that he was separated from him. He immediately stood up and banged on the exit, "Donnie!" That was all he could remember, he was knocked out as well seconds after..
They arrived at the headquarters of the kraang, the mutant turtle was strapped onto a medical bed unconscious while Casey was in a cell nearby. "What..?" The boy slowly stood up, placing his hand onto his head, blinking multiple times before realizing that he was taken into the headquarters. He panicked, turning around trying to see if he could spot his lover, no, he didn't. He looked out of the small window, "hey!!" He yelled, trying to escape the prison cell he was locked in. No luck, obviously.. Meanwhile, Donatello slowly opened his eyes, hearing the words: "What should kraang test on this mutant?" A kraang asked another.
WARNING: this part involves some blood, screaming in pain and needles. I will put another bold text when it's over.
"Kraang should get his DNA first." The other responded, the turtle squirmed under the straps, "hey! What're you doing?!" He yelled panicked, "What did you do to Casey?!" All he was worried about was for his lover, not himself.. A robot then pricked the turtle's finger and drawn some blood, collecting the small amount of blood they needed to get the proper DNA. "Donatello Hamato, Japanese blood. This is the one kraang have been looking for." The kraang said looking at the computer. "Now.."

I felt your break. // Jonatello ( Casey Jones x Donatello) fanfic // Tmnt 2012Where stories live. Discover now