Chapter VII

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Donatello felt special. Very special actually, to have been given such a lovely gift from someone he cares about. "I..Love it. Thank you, Cas." He smiled lovingly at him, and Casey returned the smile. "Anything for my cariño~" he spoke, planting a kiss onto the mutant's forehead. "Now you get to restin', I'll be right here." He said. Donnie let out a sigh, he hated not being able to work or keep himself busy. He could only listen to his lover. "I love you." "I love you too, D."
Both of them ended up falling asleep, right next to each other, allowing their dreams to carry on.

Donatello looked around, the night snuck onto them, the stars shone through the slight clouds.
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Jones? It's night." He spoke nervously, they were in the woods looking for.. whoever. "It's fine, Don. Nothings out here." Casey said, concerned by the worry that came from the mutant.

 "Plus, we're supposed to prove that we're hero's, not just plain ol' nerds

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"Plus, we're supposed to prove that we're hero's, not just plain ol' nerds. So come on." He walked off, "but—hey, wait!" Donnie called out, hurrying towards where he went, but he lost Casey. So sudden, too. It grew darker. The bugs chirped as the animals slept. The mutant looked around slowly, sounds of sticks breaking heard beneath him.
"Jones?" He called out, but there were no response. Only the silence that stood. "Casey??" He called out again, but slightly louder than before. The silence began to grow louder, as if it was telling Donnie that he should leave. Leave and go back home to the sewers.
But Donatello did not listen.
He had to find Casey.
He walked even faster, he began to panic, he could he have lost Casey that quick? In the woods? "Casey!" He said, after minutes of hearing nothing, he began running. Running to find where he is. "Casey!!" He was scared.
The dark followed him. The silence grew louder and louder, the wind blew the way Donnie ran, warning him of the danger he was getting himself into.
He stopped.
He couldn't move.
He was stuck.
He couldn't speak.
He couldn't get help.
The dark got ahold of him, the shadow crept upward his body, swallowing him until he was no longer there.
He didn't find Casey.
The morning rose, Donatello opened his eyes, panting softly as if he had ran recently. He immediately sat up and turned to see if Casey was there. He panicked, until he saw a piece of paper. He grabbed it.
'Hey, D! I went out, I'll be back later, probably around 1 pm. If not, then 2. I l love you bunches, mi amor!
Love, Casey Jones.'
He sighed out of relief. He was okay. And it was only a dream, a nightmare. He stood, stretching as he grabbed the gem that was given to him. He opened his room, heading straight to his lab. No one was awake yet. What time even was it?
He placed the gem onto the counter that kept his scientific belongings. He sat down in front of his computer, turning it on. It was 8 am. He knew Splinter was awake, but shouldn't Leonardo be awake, as well?
He shrugged, it wasn't any of his business, so he just checked the news, the usual.
He felt better, he didn't feel sick like he did. He didn't feel weak. He was glad he felt better, now he can get back to working on his projects. . . .

It was now 10 am. A knock was heard onto the door, Donatello looked up to notice.. April. He glared at her, the person he least wanted to see. "Hey Donnie. Oh, what's this?" She said, looking at the gem Donatello was gifted. "..a gem. Why?" Obviously, he wasn't answering the actual question like April wanted, but he didn't care. "What do you want?" He asked.
April lifted the gem to look at it. "Who gave this to you?" Donatello was confused, "Case— Wait, what are you doing?!" He said once he saw her lift her arm up. There was no response, only a shatter of a gem once it hit the floor..
He froze, he tried to stop her but it wasn't in time. He stared at the shattered gem, tears fell down his cheek as April watched. He grew angered at her, first, she lies and now she broke what Casey gave me? He thought. And then suddenly, he spoke. "Out." She looked at him, "Out?" She was acting stupid. And he knew. "OUT. GET OUT OF THIS LABORATORY." He yelled so loud, everyone heard.
April flinched, "GET OUT." He yelled once more, not seeing her leave until a few seconds after.
April looked at the others, as what she planned, she lied. "I— Donnie just yelled at me, I—" Raphael glared at her. "Yeah. And you get out of this lair too." He spoke. She was shocked, about to speak until Splinter spoke. "You are kicked out, you should leave now if you wish to not cause more problems."
She was kicked out and left. Raphael had immediately went into the lab to figure out what happened, and to comfort his brother. "Donnie? Is ev.. .... What did she do?" Donatello could only look at him, and Raphael knew he wasn't okay. "She— well, it's,,stupid, she just— broke the gem Casey gave me.." He responded, Raphael stood there, he grew very angry at April in seconds. He just inhaled, and exhaled. He knew Donatello would get upset if something of his that was gifted to him broke. He went over to Donnie, helping him pick up the pieces and place them onto the counter. He placed a hand on Donnie's shoulder after, "We'll fix it." And there they go, fixing the gem the best they could. . .

It was 12 pm now, Donatello was working on projects while Raphael was there to keep him company and help. The door slid open, "Is everything okay?" Leonardo asked, "No worries about April, she's kicked ou—" Leo gave a glare. "What? It's wrong to say?" Leo facepalmed, shaking his head lightly. Donatello knew what Mikey was going to say. "Everything's okay." He said, Raphael was sitting next to him, helping with his project the whole time.
"Ah, good. We were worried about you. You don't have to worry about her for a while." The leader gave a comforting smile, as the scientist nodded. "Thanks, you guys. And thank you, Raph." He said, with that, Raphael stood, bringing the chair back to where it belonged. "Anytime." He said, "Now to have a.. friendly talk with a certain someone." He said, and everyone knew what he was going to do. "Alright, let's go then." Leonardo said, for once, he agreed with Raphael on something. . . .

Donatello sighed, left alone in his lab. He decided to no longer work on the project for today, it was getting very close to being 1. He sat at his desk, expecting his lover to show up anytime now.
The door slid open, revealing the hockey player. He was dressed nicely, holding a basket. "Hey!" He said as he saw his mutant boyfriend perk up, "Oh, hey." He responded. "So, what's the special occasion?" He asked, Casey chuckled. "Well, the answer to that, is that I'm going to take you out on a date. Right now. Hope you're hungry!" Donnie smiled at that, he didn't expect that, he didn't even know they would have a date today. "Okay okay." He stood up from his chair, turning off his computer.

Authors note: 1264 words. I was hoping to get more than 2000, but it's good enough. Lucky for you all, I got back into interest in tmnt sooner than I thought I would.
I hope this chapter didn't have too bad of grammar, anygays bye

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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I felt your break. // Jonatello ( Casey Jones x Donatello) fanfic // Tmnt 2012Where stories live. Discover now