chapter one

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It was a dark dreary cold Friday night on October 1st. My sister Tara her friend Dawn and I were walking to her car from a Halloween party we went to. Dawn, of course, did some drinking but Tara and I did not. "IM SO FUCKING HUNGRY!" Dawn yelled. Tara sighed and said, "Alright, we'll go get some pizza." We walked into Deer hill pizzeria and sat down at a booth and waited for someone to take our order. Then, a tall thin man in a black and white clown costume walked in, carrying a huge trash bag over his shoulder. Wtf?! He sat down the trash bag at a booth across from us and he sat down next to it. Tara and I looked over at him as Dawn looked through her phone. The clown, know as Art, was fucking staring at us!! Dude why. Wtf. He just kept staring and staring. "What the fuck are you guys looking at?" Dawn asked me and Tara. I nodded towards Art and FUCK he just made the creepiest face at us! I'm about to scream. "Oh pfft, he's harmless." Dawn giggled. "How do you know?" I hissed. "I agree with Brooke." Tara said. Art got up from his seat and walked towards the gumball machine by the front door. What is he doing?? He twisted the handle on the gumball machine until something came out of it. He walked over to our table and approached me and got on his knees.  Um....huh? "Awww!" Dawn squealed.btara looked uncomfortable as Art pulled out what looked like a silver butterfly ring. I looked startled as hell and Art held up his pointer finger and then slipped the butterfly ring on my right middle finger.

Art tipped his hat and walked away and towards the bathroom. "So sweet!" Dawn chuckled. "Uh more like weird." I said, glaring at the ring and trying to process what happened. "Agreed." Tara said. The owner of the pizza shop finally took our orders and saw that Tara and I looked totally uncomfortable. "Don't worry I'll take care of him." He said gently, referring to Art. "I'll get your pizzas shortly." Ugh what a night. I couldn't help but stare at Arts bag. "What do you suppose is in there?" I said quietly. Tara shrugged and replied, "I honestly rather not know." "Who cares? Probably Halloween props or some shit." Dawn said gazing at her phone. Huh.

"YOU FUCKING FREAK! ALL NIGHT I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU YOU FUCK!" we heard the pizza shop owner scream. We saw him shove Art out the door and he grabbed his bag and said, "Take your shit and leave!" He tossed Arts mysterious bag to him and Art put on a creepy ass smile waved at us and left. My God....

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