chapter three

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"Do you need me to wait for you guys, or...?" Mike asked me and Tara. "Thanks but we'll be ok." Tara replied. "Ok. You remember the way out?" "Yes. We remember." I said. "Thank you so much." Tara added. "Sure thing." Mike said and then he left. It's just me and Tara now. In this creepy ass warehouse. Um....uh...ok.

I let Tara use the bathroom first and then I went next. Not the cleanest but fuck if you gotta go you gotta go. "You don't really remember the way out do you?" I asked nervously. "Not a fucking clue." Tara admitted. Fuck... "But, we'll find out way out."

"Ok. If ...if you say so." I said, shivering. It's cold in here. Oh and darkish. Suddenly we heard a honking noise. It sounded like a clown horn.

Where's it coming from?

Tara and I walked around the building until we heard a loud blood curdling scream echo the halls. "Run! Go go go!" I screeched. Tara and I ran to the front of the building where we entered but there was a lock and chain on the door! The hell?!

"Help!" Tara and I screamed banging on the door hoping somebody would hear us, if not Dawn. Tara and I turned around and oh boy we got a surprise.

Guess who was standing there? Art the Clown. He stood there, frozen with that creepy ass smile, holding what looked like a bloodied knife. Oh fuck he's a serial killer! And we're stuck in this building with him!

"Go go! Up the stairs!" Tara yelled and we ran as fast as we could up the stairs but unfortunately Tara anded up tripping and Art got a hold of her. No!!!!

She tried to kick him off of her but Art kept stabbing her and stabbing her until I pulled him off of her punched him in the face and grabbed her wrist and kept going up the stairs. Oh man Tara was bleeding all over the place on her right leg. "We have got to get out of here." She said in a shaky voice. I nodded. "I know. We-" I then spotted Mike the janitor in a room cleaning. I yelled for him but unfortunately he couldn't hear me.

"MISTER!" I yelled again but Art grabbed me from behind and Mike turned around but he couldn't see me and he went back to doing his thing.

"Let me go you son of a bitch!" I said trying to fight off Art but he quickly pulled out a syringe and stuck it in my neck and next thing I knew I was knocked out.

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