chapter six

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Art then pulled out his famous hacksaw and grabbed Dawn, who was shrieking and squirming. He pulled her tongue out of her mouth and immediately sawed it off and then popped it into his mouth chewing on it with sweet satisfaction. Omg!!!! He grinned evilly and then he jammed his knife through her skull and sawed off her head and sawed up the rest of her body.

I screamed bloody murder as I now watched him dig through her organs and intestines eating them like spaghetti. He licked the blood off his fingers and then wiped off his bloody knife and jammed it into my thigh.

I screamed in pain and agony and kicked him in the face. I was able to get away and ran as fast as I could until I ran into Mike the janitor. "Help me!!" I screamed as I limped over to him.

"Holy shit what happened to you? And where's your sister?" He asked suspiciously.

I told him about Art the Clown and he immediately said, "I'm going to call the cops and then we're getting out of here I'll take you to the emergency room." He grabbed my wrist and we ran rather fast and we were able to get to a phone.

He sat me down on a bench and told me he was going to call the cops.

"No! Don't leave me!" I shrieked, shaking from head to toe.

"I'm not leaving you I PROMISE." Mike assured me. "I'll call the cops then I'll get you to an emergency room." I nodded and he walked over to the phone and dialed 911.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency?"

"I have someone here who has been stabbed and she's bleeding all over and her two friends have been murdered." Mike told the 911 dispatcher.

"Where are you located sir?"

"The old warehouse down the road from Deer Hills pizzeria." Mike told them.

"Is she conscious?"

"Yes she's conscious but I don't know for how long!" Mike snapped.

"Ok sir I need you to stay on the line and remain calm the police will be on their way."

"No! We are not safe here. There is a serial killer in the building and I am taking this girl to the emergency room. Get your fucking asses down here now!"

Mike hung up the phone and asked if I could walk. I nodded and he helped me up and I limped alongside him and we tried to find a way out of this damn warehouse.

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