chapter seven

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"He's going to kill us. I know it!" I screeched as Mike and I kept running. "No... No he's not. We'll get out of here." Mike reassured me. I hope he's right. We came across a couple doors that led to God knows what but there was a locked chain on that one too!! What the actual hell?!

"Dammit!" Mike shouted. "Ok just hang tight I'm gunna find something to get that chain off that door." I nodded as he walked away to look for something to unlock that chain. I'm so fucking scared right now. I was still quivering. My leg still bleeding out.

I looked around and I found a wooden axe and yelled for Mike. I swung the axe at the door and was able to break the doors down. "Oh thank fuck!" Mike said and I smiled and we continued running. "Yes! Freedom!" I shouted as I limped on my injured leg. "Hasta la Vista loco BOZO!"

"Haha yes! Now to get out of this fuckin place!" I shouted with joy. Mike and I were so close to finding a way out until Art the Clown just randomly and unexpectedly appeared. Dude what....why.....?!

He jammed a stake into Mike's eyeballs and Mike fell to the ground screaming as I stood there with my jaw open and chest heaving. "STOP IT!" I shrieked. "Stop it you fucking psycho!" Art gave me an evil look and he plunged the stake into Mike's face and kept stabbing and stabbing. He was having a hell of a time slaughtering Mike. I had to do something. Even though Mike is dead now but I can't and I won't let Art kill more people.

"Hey you!" I shouted. Art turned to look at me as he licked Mike's blood off his fingers. "Fuck you. I am not scared of you anymore you sick fuck!" I said as I pulled out another gun. I just hope that this time it's loaded unlike the last one.

Art smiled evilly as he slowly tried to approach me. Before he could come any closer I whipped out the gun and pulled the trigger and shot Art in the chest. He was shaking quite a bit as blood gushed from where I shot him. "You're murdering sprees are over you sick fuck!" I muttered, pointing the gun at him. He just looked at me, not moving a muscle.

I shot the gun again this time in his face. I shot him multiple times.

I kicked him to make sure he was dead. Yep. I got him good. "Good night Art the Clown. May you rot in hell." I said. I spat on his corpse and left.

I eventually found my way out. There were two coo cars and a couple police men had noticed the wound on my leg as I limped out.

I told the police officers what happened and told them I had killed Art. "Well, let's get you to a hospital. Looks like you need stitches." One if the police officers said kindly.

I was taken to a nearby emergency room to get my leg stitched up and four coronets arrived at the warehouse to get Dawn, Tara, Mike, and Art's bodies.

Man what a horrible HORRIBLE fuckin night. On top of that I'm grieving over the loss of my sister Tara.

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