Car Rides and Introductions

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Benjamin Richards

The car starts with a whir and Tobias pulls out of the parking lot. Unlike my family, his driving isn't awful but I still prefer my own. Every time he turns a little too sharply on our way back, I grip the 'Oh shit' handles in a tight grasp and glare. After the first few times, he starts making deliberately sharp turns and grinning rudely at me. Once we get off of the main roads and onto a more residential road he swerves about making me wonder if we were going to get pulled over, but all we get are a few piercing glares.

"If everyone in your family is a shit driver, who taught you to drive?" He asks swerving back into the correct lane.

"Olivers Ex-Girlfriend," I answer thinking back to our lessons, "I wouldn't get on her bad side, I was glad their break up was a mutual decision and not just hers,"

"She couldn't have been that bad," Tobias says, "I'm sure I've had worse,"

I make an indecisive noise that I hope came across as I doubt it'. I feel like Devon would have been JD-level bad. I think about Lizzie. Sure that was bad but more in a clingy way not a 'Bringing hell to rain on earth' way like Devon would of. She was pretty cool apart from her demonic tendencies.

I let my attention drift to the window and am surprised to see that Tobias had already passed my house.

"Where the fuck do you think you're taking me?"

"I haven't decided yet,"

"I will not hesitate to throw myself out of the car," I hear the child locks click, "You did not,"

"Hey, I might just take you around the neighborhood," He defends himself with a shrug.

"Hey, I might just-" I mock and then stop myself before giving away my master plan.

He looks at me suspiciously and I smile innocently.

At the next red light, I will maneuver my way into the back seat, inconspicuously that is, grab his shirt and throw it out the window, also inconspicuously as to make it seem like an accident, before dramatically exclaiming "Oops I better get that," and when he lets me out I'll make a run for it.

I rub my hands together comically and watch the next light come up. It changes to yellow, and, BINGO, the time is right. I wiggle into the backseat with astonishing speed, and grab hold of the shirt. Once I get back up I roll down the window and throw it out. I must of not have been discreet as I intended because he's looking at me with fond amusement and bewilderment spread across his face clear as day.

Whatever he might still think its an accident, "Oh no, I'm so sorry Tobias, your shirt just flew out the window,"

"I saw," He chuckles, "You really like seeing me without a shirt on, huh Princess?"

"What?" I stammer, "No I need to go get it for you,"

I start to panic this is not the way I intended this to go.

"Well you did just steal my shirt, throw it out the window, and exclaim theatrically 'Oh no'"

Nothing has gone to plan everything has gone wrong, abort mission, abort.

"Just take me home," I groan.

"Oooo not denying it?" He rubs his bare shoulder against mine and speeding past the light once it was changed without bothering to let me go get his shirt.

"Fuck you,"

"Princess I'm flattered, but now is not the time, maybe later." He winks before continuing, "Bold of you to assume you'd been doing the fucking,"

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