Eddie Munson

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Monday. Fuck Mondays. I disliked most days when I had to go to school. Today though... I woke up this morning filled with curiosity. Gareth told me that his other best friend, who has more than one anyways...

Ellie Bishop. She was supposed to come to school today. I don't remember her, but Gareth has known her longer than even myself. I was a bit jealous at first, now I just wanted to meet this girl. I was genuinely curious.

What would Ellie look like, what would she sound like? Gareth had talked about her non-stop for years and now it was finally the time for you to meet her. You knew she was into the same music as you and that she grew up without parents. Luckily like yourself she had another relative to put back together the pieces of a lost childhood.

I drove to school this morning looking for a blue Cadillac, I wanted to see for myself this mystery girl. That's when you saw her car pull alongside your van, it was like fate wanted you two to meet. I felt a bit creepy watching her get out of the car. I don't know what I was expecting, but the girl who was there in front of me surpassed my dreams.

Her hair was a mess on top of her head, it looked like she had just rolled out of bed and come to school, but for some reason you liked that. Her clothes were big on her, you could tell it was an attempt at being unattractive. Gareth mentioned to you ... a lot... that Ellie wasn't the type to try and impress anyone. Even after she got herself stuck in her car door, you feigned ignorance, you would not let her know you knew who she was. When she spoke, you weren't prepared for her sweet voice and even sweeter smell. It was all you could do not to flirt with her, to touch her ....

Her sweater was stuck in the door, tangled in the door handle mechanism, you were so close to her. Your shoulders brushed, your fingertips touching her.

When she put out her hand to introduce herself you didn't want to let go. Lucky for you, she is in three of your classes and at lunch you wanted nothing more than to just keep talking with her. You didn't like to overindulge, but with this, well you were willing to make an exception. It was all you could do to physically restrain yourself and keep your hand to the back of her chair. She let you know to eat her lunch, she was nice, and she was funny. She made you laugh and smile. The whole day was going so well until your bad reputation caught up to you.

Cynthia, a one-time mistake from the summer, caught up to you. I have never been so mad as listening to her talk down to Ellie. Cynthia was saying you were hers. Usually when the cheerleaders fight over you it's flattering, but this time the words were meant to hurt Ellie. Cynthia was becoming an obstacle, one that was unwelcome. You already had so much resentment for the popular crowd.

Chrissy. That was another problem. Gareth had told me she was friends with Ellie, at least in some capacity. She was someone you still didn't know how to rid yourself or mind of.

Ellie might be what you needed to get all the toxic girls from your life.

I couldn't have predicted how she reacted either, the frozen fear on her face from one person's name, the look of complete bliss at her suffering by Cynthia. And the feeling as Gareth took charge, grasped her hand in his and walked out of the cafeteria. I had snagged her backpack and assured Suzie that the two of you would take care of it. The small girl had Dustin's hand grasped and Cynthia had walked back over to the cheerleading table in a good mood. You made brief eye contact with Chrissy, she was horrified, not what you expected from her. Then you see Jason, he stares at you, and you can see something that resembles jealousy. That look makes your stomach hurt, your jaw tightens, and you want to hit him, but you look over and just head after Gareth and Ellie.

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