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i do not want to eat

i don't know why

i am so restless
so empty
so inhuman

nearly a ghost

i fear i am full of festering sickness

& all i can think
is that i have lived
too long
too hard

to die without experiencing a happiness i've only ever observed

to die without loving someone

to die without being loved

i want to sleep through it all,
rest forever in delirium,
& finish this life in a dream

no one will miss me much,
crave my laughter when i'm gone,
miss the sound of my voice,
make time to visit the ground i lay under

& i think i hate the most
that i have lived so pointlessly
so afraid

that no one truly knows enough of me to miss

& when i'm more than dying
closer to dead

i will have nothing but regret in my heart
& all this loneliness

i want to scream
but all i can seem to do is cry

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