-My Fair Joy-

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-I wrote this a less than a year ago, after I got into a healthy relationship that I began to care for a great deal. I suppose I ought to publish it, finally!-

Is it fair for this to feel this isn't unfair,

To begin to think you might truly want me with you there?

To fret and feel paranoia spill over the bladed tip of the pipette,

Just a simple social experiment.

I'm just someone you'll likely forget.

But maybe that's just me,

Dwelling in squeamish sorts of pity?

Maybe it's just me,

Making up my own excuses for feeling sorry for existing as I may be?

And therein lies a chance my judgment may have had a lapse.

Perhaps it was unjust,

To think so cynically when all evidence is neither here nor there to trust.

Maybe I'm just scared to be happy,

Feeling like you're beginning to adore me?

I can't quite ignore the smile indented around your lips when I talk about what is and could be.

Is it ever really fair,

For me to stop and still stare,

At the curve of your lips?

The dip bows at your grin,

It makes me want to sigh, slumber, and sing;

Because I meant more when you were there to implore!

But now it's on me,

Love and care as a newly afforded luxury.

Oh world, can I truly be happy?

-end of collection. farewell.-

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