Hardest step:

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The hardest step of lucid dreaming, hands down, is trying to become aware that you are dreaming. No matter how many intentions you set, or things you practice, sometimes your subconscious likes to just sit back and enjoy the dream. Dreams are the way we escape our reality to face the things that truly bother us. Who wants to let go of that?

Now, I'm sure you've heard of a thousand different ways to preform 'reality checks'. These only work if you are so used to doing them naturally that they end up happening in your dream. For example if you collide your hands in real life. This reality check recommends you to believe your hands are going to phase through one another, so that you always know when it is either reality or a dream.

Personally, I have never preformed a reality check in a dream. Not to say they aren't helpful! Doing reality checks does help to do something unexpected. (And if it gets to the point of naturality, great!)

When I've 'woken' in a dream, usually it is because I realise something is happening that isn't supposed to. Someone acting oddly, a book changing text, the sky a weird color. The very first time I realised I was in a dream, the scene was changing from one room to the other without me even moving. That doesn't happen in real life.

The best way to raise your chances of lucid dreaming is to WAKE UP in every day life. Stop working on autopilot. Do something drastic. Change something up. You don't have to change your life, but at least try to change your routine. Reality checks are a good way, sure- but try to really observe your surroundings constantly. When you touch something, note how it feels. Eating? How does it taste. How are colors? What do you like or don't like? You have to be conscious of your movements and decisions. 

Because in a dream, the goal is to be conscious. You need to break the feeling as though you just were watching a movie or sitting idly by. Break bad habits. Do what you love. It'll be better for you in real life, and multiply your chances like crazy to become aware of a dream.

Thanks for reading!

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