Bruce (I)

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Denver High School


As Vance was walking down the halls while everyone being petrified as usual, Robin and Finney had come up to him.

Hey Vance.

Robin said to Vance, directly looking at him.

Oh, hey Robin.

Vance had said while looking down a bit

Finney just wanted to hear the conversation and say nothing at all.

Oh! right. We were just wondering if you wanted to hang out with us at the arcade after school. Including 'Bruce'.

I'm down, but Bruce? That other baseball kid.

Oh, yeah, he's coming with us. I know you haven't met him before but y'know you should try to talk to him at least once, Vance.

Alright, Alright. Whatever.

Vance spat out quickly

Alright then. Cya!

Cya, I guess.

Vance said as he had walked off to his class. Not 'ONLY' did Vance just walk off, but he was thinking about that Bruce boy Robin and Finney had been talking and hanging around with. Really, just the whole time until he had stepped into his class and then sat down not listening to class once again. Obviously because he didn't give a shit about anything.

After School


Hey Vance.

Robin and Finney said at the same time

Oh, hey guys!

Were just waiting for Bruce now.

Finney said in excitement and all

Oh, right!

Vance slightly faked smiled

Not to long after Bruce caught with the others.

Sorry I was late guys! My coach called me for something.

Bruce had said while slightly catching his breath from running.

Vance noticed Bruce. Vance had never seen Bruce close up before, but he thought Bruce was different from the other boys. Whatever, he just shrugged it off.

It's alright Bruce.

Robin said smiling at him

Oh, by the way. Vance is going to be hanging out with us today!

Finney said still in excitement


Bruce said nervously while looking back up and down at Vance face to face.

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