Letter. (IIII)

158 3 16

Hopper's Residence




Vance had just woken up. He 'hated' mornings, they were the fucking worst, but at least its Saturday now.

He got up from bed and went to the bathroom to get settled, after changing this clothes to. Obviously, Vance THE hopper would wear something mid-19800s clothes that just most likely to look "casual".

After, he had finished doing his shit, he had went over to his desk. He got out a sheet of paper and a pencil to write out a "LETTER" to Bruce.

As he finished writing his letter, he had put it in a envelope. So, he put his socks and his white converses on to go out and head to Bruce's house (Yamada's Residence).

5-10 minutes later

As soon as Vance got there he just put it in his mailbox. Supposedly, Vance, himself thought that Bruce is still asleep so, he'll give it time. Furthermore, he needs to get to Robins place since they're hanging out today. As he goes, he starts walking to his house.

Yamada's Residence

Bruce was asleep, 'peacefully', until Amy started banging on his door.


Amy shouted faintly


Bruce shouted faintly too but in a tired voice


Amy shouted but this time it wasn't faintly


Bruce sat up slowly but fast at the same time.


Amy shouted back


Bruce shouted back to Amy

Bruce got up quickly to go to restroom and do his duty. Next, he had picked out his clothes and changed real quick.


Amy shouted as she got inpatient


Bruce had unlocked his bedroom door

Amy had handed Bruce his mail that he had gotten

An envelope?

Bruce said concernedly

Yeah, I don't know who's it's from.

Amy crossed her arms

You can't 'magically' read now?!

Bruce said in a sarcastic tone

I can!

Amy rolled her eyes

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