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Yamada's Residence


Vance had just woken up. He had seen that Bruce was still asleep, so he had got up slowly trying not to wake him up easily. Once, he opened the door and went out of his house. He knew that he needed to get ready even though school starts in an hour, but he didn't care at all.

Denver High School
(FW: Blood, blade(s), etc.)

As Vance walked into the building, he had overheard Spencer spreading rumors about 'Bruce'.

Vance walked up to Spencer

Hey Spencer.

Vance had said innocently at first

Hey 'Pinball Vance'.

Spencer had said, he had also made fun of his nickname.

Vance was already at it; he had clenched his hand into a fist, and so Spencer already knew he fucked up.

Listen, here you little bitch. I know you're not going around spreading rumors about Burce!

Vance exclaimed. He started digging his nails into his skin.

Oh, yeah? What are you going to do about it 'Pinball Vance'.

Spencer had laughed at what Vance said since he thought it was pretty funny to him and all.

Vance had thrown a punch at Spencer. Vance had it going now with the punches. Spencer was now tackled to the ground constantly bleeding and bleeding by Vance punching him so hard.

Soon enough, there was a crowd around Spencer and Vance. Spencer got his blade out and started to carve Vance's skin, it was a slight pain. Vance was now losing blood of loss, but he didn't give a single fuck about it, and so he had gripped onto the blade and tossed it to the ground.

Come on you little shit! Do something!

Vance exclaimed over the crowed shouting,


Spencer had made some pretty good damages to Vance which's with wounds, bruises, non-stop bleeding and more.

Vance had now pulled Spencer's shirt collar and started to actually punch the fuck out of him.

Meanwhile, Bruce noticed that the hallways were quiet until he had heard screaming, yelling, punching. Especially punches.

Bruce had thought it was just a normal Vance day 'daily basis's' to fight with others, but as he ran through the crowd, he had saw the ground covered with blood splatters. He was horrified when he had saw.

He tried to get Vance off of Spencer. Bruce himself knew he was weak and yelling and trying to do everything, he still knew it wouldn't work at all. It was no use.

Bruce, let go!

Vance had yelled over at him.

Not until you stop, Vance!

Bruce started yelling and gripping onto Vance.

Vance had stopped beating up Spencer and pushed down Bruce.

The whole crowd was flabbergasted about how Bruce and Vance had been facing each other. Honestly, the crowd was just more surprised about Mr. Goodytoeshoes and Mr. Bad Boy.

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