Chapter 7

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Tws: Blood, crying, torture, cussing, mention of death, murder, mention of suicide, etc!

3rd person, Darryl's POV;

"Hello son"

His heart raced, from the running and seeing the person he loved being tied to a chair.

"Let him go. Now."

His fathers face turned from a sickening smirk, very quickly, to a furious expression. He picked up a sharp blade and rolled up Zak's sleeve. "Make one move, it'll look like a suicide." Darryl backed up, just a bit. He knew my father wanted something from them both, simply using Zak as leverage. "What do you want?"

His father took the sharp object and placed it on Zak's delicate skin. When he looked into the poor boys eyes, they were red and knowing.

"Oh, nothing much, just what I have wanted for the last 18 years. I want them to suffer! You knew that Darryl! How could you possibly try and take that away from me? I raised you! I am your father! You are supposed to listen to me! Do you really think Zak is going to want you back after this? I can fucking tell you, he will not! Not after he finds out about what you have done! That innocent couple... Their screams were so loud! All because you let them to me! Everyone's death is your fault Darryl! Now his will be too..."

Zak tried to shake his head, the poor dirty blonde could not tell if he was telling him he still loved the other, or that he didn't. He knew then was not the time to fight his father, not while Zak was in danger, but he didn't care. He could not care..

"You raised me? Yeah that is funny! A parent who is raising their kid, does not make a child lure people into the woods! A parent does not kill the person their child loves! You did not raise me, you ruined me. I am a good person, dad, and you did not even give me the chance to prove it. I will tell you this, just once. If you try and kill Zak, only two people will be walking out of this basement alive, and you will not be one of them."

It all happened in a flash. Darryl seen the blood quickly drain down Zak's arm. He ran to his father, and grabbed a knife from the tray. He caught his dad's arm, preventing him from hurting him the way he hurt Zak. He took the sharp knife and put it in his throat.

He stumbled backwards, and tried to remove the sharp object that, unluckily, missed his artery. While his throat was bleeding, he tripped over Matt's lifeless body, and started gagging on his own blood. Darryl untied Zak from the chair. He tried to stand up, but quickly fainted.

Darryl's father stood up and looked at Zak's pitiful body, while taking a wipe from his pocket. He wiped off the fake blood, and handed his son the knife he "stabbed" him with. "Your a good actor, son.. maybe that should have been your career." The dirty blonde gave a smile, proud that he had done just what his father wanted. "Do you think he actually believed that whole thing?" Once again, his father nodded his head, "Yeah, I think he is actually in love with you too. However, what is our rule?" He grinned, "We only trust each other?" James smiled, proud of his son.

////jjjjjjjjjjjjj (completely forget that ^ paragraph)

Darryl grabbed his phone once again, calling 911. He hoped be could come up with a good enough lie to get them out of that situation. He hit call, putting on a very scared and innocent voice.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Yes, help please! I can not believe this... my father cut my boyfriend, and killed his dad. We- oh my goodness. He is bleeding so much! I tried to get him out of the chair, but he passed out... our address is
14 bee lane! He took them to the basement, and texted me... oh my- just please hurry!!"

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