𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑙𝑦~ (Zenkana)

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Zenitsu's pov:

So.... we all know Kanao Tsuyuri right? Well um...

"I have a crush on Kanao" I say.

"really the butterfly girl?" Inosuke says.

"um you do realize your dating aoi right?" I remind him.

"yea but atleast she talks to me!" Inosuke shouts.

"calm down inosuke, anyways Zenitsu, what made you feel this way? Like Inosuke said, she does really speak." Tanjiro says.

"I know bu-" I was quickly inturrupted.

"you dont like her just for her looks right!?" Inosuke says.

"what?! No! Ofcourse shes beautiful but, shes also kind, brave, and calm, her big beautiful purple eyes are just gorgeous.." then I zoned out and started thinking of her.


I didnt reply


still no answer..


Inosuke then throws bread in my face, thats when I finally woke up from my day dream fest.

"Huh!? What? sorry... I spaced out for a bit.." I scratched the back of my head.

"anyways as I was saying, shes like a small beautiful silent butterfly"

"butterflies make sound?" Inosuke asks.

"... shut the fuck up you dumbass pig brain!" I shoved tempura in his mouth.

That's when I heard a giggle, not a Tanjiro giggle but more of a girly giggle... thats when i realised someone heard our whole conversation...

"WHO'S THERE?!" I stood up scared as usual.

"Chill out loud mouth its me" then aoi walks through the door.

"oh god... PLEASE DONT TELL KANAO!!" I got down on my knees and pled. "I BEG OF YOU!!!"

"like I said calm down, My mouth is closed! Now get up!" she yells.

I stood up quickly and hugged her.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!" I started to cry, again like usual.

"no problem!" she said.

Then it was time for training! But I had to go with Uzui... that ugly peice of crap... I dont even know how he got three wives- ANYWAYS! sorry getting off track!

"So... how's it going short stuff?" he says.


Makio giggles.

"calm down Zenitsu... apologize Uzui!" Hinatsura says.

"for what? im telling the truth!!" He says.

"this is why I hate you" I say.

"dont lie kid, I know you love me"

"anyways Zenitsu, you got a girlfriend yet?" suma asks.

"um no but I do like someone..." My face turned it a light pink shade.

"oooo! who is it!! tell me!!!" Makio yells.

"um Kanao Tsuyuri, from the butterfly estate" I addmit.

It was silent for a bit until the girls screamed.


"you should ask her out~" suma says.

"well you see, I totally would its just she doesnt really speak that much and its a 50 50 chance"

"what do you mean?" Hinatsura asks.

"Kanao has this coin to make her decisions, heads is dont speak and tails is to speak, so if it lands on heads im screwed" I answer.

"well just ask her over and over again!" Makio says.

Suma then hits Makio in the back of the head.

"OWIE!!!!" Makio yells then starts to cry.

"dont tell him that! Then she get annoyed and wont even flip the coin to get a answer!!" Suma yells.

"Just shoot your shot hunny if it dosent work out then try one more time but not in the same week, ok?" Hinatsura says.

"ok, thanks mo-" I stop myself before I could finish. "were not going through this again.." I get up and walk to the butterfly estate".

~2 hours pass~

(Nobodys pov:)

Zenitsu finally finds Kanao and walks up to her holding a bouquet of flowers.

Zenitsu finally finds Kanao and walks up to her holding a bouquet of flowers

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"um excuse me, Kanao" Zenitsu says.

"hm?" she turns around and waves.

Zenitsu then bows and holds out the flowers.

"w-will you go out with me?.." he says.

Kanao was shocked and turned a little pink at the sudden question, she love Zenitsu very much, he was funny, cute, and sometimes a bit weird. But thats what kanao loves about him.

She then takes the bouquet.

"yes Zenitsu..." Kanao says shockingly.

Zenitsu's eyes widen and turns red, he jumps in the air.

"YIPEEE!!!" He yells. Kanao giggles and kisses his cheek.

"so see you later to night?" she asks.

"u-um yea! Sure!" Zenitsu says.

The end.

Please give me more ships to do!!

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